The Rover Boys in Camp eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 202 pages of information about The Rover Boys in Camp.

The Rover Boys in Camp eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 202 pages of information about The Rover Boys in Camp.

“Yes, you can.  Forward now!  Ha, fellows, he will not go.  Jab him with the pitchfork!”

At this a student stepped behind Tubbs and pricked his back with a pin.

The fashionable youth let out a yell of terror, and then, certain that he was about to take an awful plunge into some deep part of the lake, made a desperate leap forward.

A wild shriek of laughter rang out as Tubbs made the leap.  He had jumped across a narrow brook not six inches deep and landed sprawling on the grass beyond.

“You are now initiated,” said one of the masked cadets, when the laughter had somewhat died away.  And at once Tubbs’ hands were untied and the bag was taken from his head.

“Well, I never!” he murmured, as he gazed in amazement at the brook.  “Thought it was the lake front sure!”

“As you are now one of us, Tubbs, you must wear these,” said a cadet, and furnished the fashionable youth with a mask, cap, and pair of horns.

“We have now disposed of number two,” said another cadet.  “What of number three?”

“Number three must—­”

At that moment a gun-shot rang out on the still night air.

“Hullo, something is wrong!” cried one of the hazers, in quick alarm.

“There goes the drum, fellows!” came in the unmistakable voice of Sam Rover.  “We’ve got to hustle back to camp or we’ll be exposed!”

“Right you are,” came from Songbird Powell.  “Come. fellows, and mind you don’t let anybody see the masks and other things.”

And away they scooted, under the trees and then along a row of bushes running fairly close to the first line of tents.  In the meantime the drum continued to roll and the whole camp was astir.  Captain Putnam himself was out and was soon followed by Major Larry and Captain Fred Garrison.  Dick Rover knew what was up and took his time about showing himself, since he did not wish any of the hazers to be captured.

“Call the roll!” said Major Larry, after making a round of the company streets.  But he himself was in no particular hurry.

Almost out of breath with running, the hazers came into camp, accompanied by Hans and Tubbs.  Masks, caps, and horns were pushed out of sight under cots, and then all sallied forth to join their various commands.  Calling the roll was already in progress.

“All present or accounted for,” came the declaration, five minutes later.

“All present, eh?” mused Captain Putnam.  “That’s queer.  Who fired that gun?”

“Private Jackson.”

“I will interview Jackson,” said the master of the school, and he ordered Jackson to his private tent.

“What made you raise the alarm, Jackson?” he questioned sharply.

“I thought some of the cadets were out of camp, sir,” was the answer.

“Did you see them go?”

“Not exactly, sir, but I thought I saw three or four of them sneaking along near the woods.”

Project Gutenberg
The Rover Boys in Camp from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.