Waste eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 141 pages of information about Waste.

Waste eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 141 pages of information about Waste.

TREBELL.  I have only one belief myself.  That is in human progress—­yes, progress—­over many obstacles and by many means.  I have no ideals.  I believe it is statesmanlike to use all the energy you find ... turning it into the nearest channel that points forward.

CANTELUPE.  Forward to what?

TREBELL.  I don’t know ... and my caring doesn’t matter.  We do know ... and if we deny it it’s only to be encouraged by contradiction ... that the movement is forward and with some gathering purpose.  I’m friends with any fellow traveller.

      CANTELUPE has been considering him very curiously.  Now he gets up to

CANTELUPE.  I should like to continue our talk when I’ve studied your draft of the statutes.  Of course the political position is favourable to a far more comprehensive bill than we had ever looked for ... and you’ve the advantage now of having held yourself very free from party ties.  In fact not only will you give us the bill we shall most care to accept, but I don’t know what other man would give us a bill we and the other side could accept at all.

TREBELL.  I can let you have more Appropriation figures by Friday.  The details of the Fabrics scheme will take a little longer.

CANTELUPE.  In a way there’s no such hurry.  We’re not in office yet.

TREBELL.  When I’m building with figures I like to give the foundations time to settle.  Otherwise they are the inexactest things.

CANTELUPE. [Smiling to him for the first time.] We shall have you finding Faith the only solvent of all problems some day.

TREBELL.  I hope my mind is not afraid ... even of the Christian religion.

CANTELUPE.  I am sure that the needs of the human soul ... be it dressed up in whatever knowledge ... do not alter from age to age....

      He opens the door to find WEDGECROFT standing outside, watch in

TREBELL.  Hullo ... waiting?

WEDGECROFT.  I was giving you two minutes by my watch.  How are you,

      CANTELUPE, with a gesture which might be mistaken for a bow, folds
      himself up.

TREBELL.  Shall I bring you the figures on Friday ... that might save time.

      CANTELUPE, by taking a deeper fold in himself seems to assent.

TREBELL.  Will the afternoon do?  Kent shall fix the hour.

CANTELUPE. [With an effort.] Kent?

TREBELL.  My secretary.

CANTELUPE.  Friday.  Any hour before five.  I know my way.

The three phrases having meant three separate efforts, CANTELUPE escapes. WEDGECROFT has walked to the table, his brows a little puckered.  Now TREBELL notices that KENT’S door is open; he goes quickly into the room and finds it empty.  Then he stands for a moment irritable and undecided before returning.

TREBELL.  Been here long?

Project Gutenberg
Waste from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.