The Texan Scouts eBook

Joseph Alexander Altsheler
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 401 pages of information about The Texan Scouts.

The Texan Scouts eBook

Joseph Alexander Altsheler
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 401 pages of information about The Texan Scouts.

The night came, dark and cold, but fortunately without wind.  They camped in a dip and did not light any fire, lying as Ned had done the night before on their horse blankets and wrapping themselves in their own.  The three horses seemed to be contented with one another and made no noise.

They deemed it wise now to keep a watch, as they might be near Urrea’s band or Lipans might pass, and the Panther, who said he was not sleepy at all, became sentinel.  Ned, although he had not risen until noon, was sleepy again from the long ride, and his eyes closed soon.  The last object that he saw was the Panther standing on the crest of the swell just beyond them, rifle on shoulder, watching the moonlit plains.  Obed White was asleep already.

The Panther walked back and forth a few times and then looked down at his comrades in the dip.  His trained eyes saw their chests rising and falling, and he knew that they were far away in the land of Nowhere.  Then he extended his walk back and forth a little further, scanning carefully the dusky plain.

A light wind sprang up after a while, and it brought a low but heavy and measured tread to his ears.  The Panther’s first impulse was to awaken his friends, because this might be the band of Urrea, but he hesitated a moment, and then lay down with his ear to the earth.  When he rose his uneasiness had departed and he resumed his walk back and forth.  He had heard that tread before many times and, now that it was coming nearer, he could not mistake it, but, as the measured beat indicated that it would pass to one side, it bore no threat for his comrades or himself.

The Panther did not stop his walk as from a distance of a few hundred yards he watched the great buffalo herd go by.  The sound was so steady and regular that Ned and Obed were not awakened nor were the horses disturbed.  The buffaloes showed a great black mass across the plain, extending for fully a mile, and they were moving north at an even gait.  The Panther watched until the last had passed, and he judged that there were fully a hundred thousand animals in the herd.  He saw also the big timber wolves hanging on the rear and flanks, ready to cut out stray calves or those weak from old age.  So busy were the wolves seeking a chance that they did not notice the gigantic figure of the man, rifle on shoulder, who stood on the crest of the swell looking at them as they passed.

The Panther’s eyes followed the black line of the herd until it disappeared under the northern rim of darkness.  He was wondering why the buffaloes were traveling so steadily after daylight and he came to the conclusion that the impelling motive was not a search for new pastures.  He listened a long time until the last rumble of the hundred thousand died away in a faint echo, and then he awakened his comrades.

“I’m thinkin’,” he said, “that the presence of Urrea’s band made the buffaloes move.  Now I’m not a Ring Tailed Panther an’ a Cheerful Talker for nothin’, an’ we want to hunt that band.  Like as not they’ve been doin’ some mischief, which we may be able partly to undo.  I’m in favor of ridin’ south, back on the herd track an’ lookin’ for ’em.”

Project Gutenberg
The Texan Scouts from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.