Side Lights eBook

James Runciman
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 246 pages of information about Side Lights.

Side Lights eBook

James Runciman
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 246 pages of information about Side Lights.

Do we not observe something analogous taking place in the terrible crush of civilised human life?  To thoughtful minds there is no surer sign of the progress that humanity is slowly making than the fact that among our race the weak are succoured.  Were it not for the sights of helpfulness and pity that we can always see, many of us would give way to despair, and think that man is indeed no more than a two-legged brute without feathers.  The savage even now kills aged people without remorse, just as the Sardinian islanders did in the ancient days; and there are certain tribes which think nothing of destroying an unfortunate being who may have grown weakly.  Among us, the merest lazar that crawls is sure of some succour if he can only contrive to let his evil case be known; and even the criminal, let him be never so vile, may always be taken up and aided by kindly friends for the bare trouble of asking.

But there are still symptoms of the animal disposition to be seen, and only too many people conspire to show that human nature is much the same as it was in the days when Job called in his agony for comfort and found none.  Wonderful and disquieting it is to see how the noblest of minds have been driven in all ages to mourn over the disposition of men to strike at the unfortunate!  The Book of Job is the finest piece of literary work known to the world, and it is mainly taken up with a picture of the treatment which the Arabian patriarch met with at the hands of his friends.  People do not look for sarcasm in the Bible, but the unconscious lofty sarcasm of Job is so terrible, that it shows how a mighty intellect may be driven by bitter wrong into transcendencies of wrath and scorn.  “Ye are the people, and wisdom shall die with you.”  The old desert-prince will not succumb even in his worst extremity, and he lashes his tormentors with wild but strong bursts of withering satire.  But Job was down, and his cool friends went on imperturbably, probing his weakness, sneering at his excuses, and, I suspect, rejoicing not a little in his wild outbreaks of pain and despair.  The book is one of the world’s monuments, and it has been placed there to remind all people that dwell on earth of their own innate meanness; it has been placed before us as a lesson against cruelty, treachery, ingratitude.  Have we gone very far in the direction since Job raged and mourned?  Those who look around them may answer the question in their own way.

The world had not progressed much in Shakspere’s time, at any rate.  Like all of us, Shakspere was able to look on the work of beautiful and kind souls—­no one has ever spoken more nobly of the benefactions conferred on their brethren by the righteous; but that calm immortal soul had in it depths of awful scorn and anger, which bubbled up only a very few times.  Few people read “Timon of Athens”; and I do not blame the neglect, for it is a spirit-crushing play, and a man must be bold if he cares to look at it twice.  But in it

Project Gutenberg
Side Lights from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.