History of the Negro Race in America From 1619 to 1880. Vol 1 eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 815 pages of information about History of the Negro Race in America From 1619 to 1880. Vol 1.

History of the Negro Race in America From 1619 to 1880. Vol 1 eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 815 pages of information about History of the Negro Race in America From 1619 to 1880. Vol 1.

  Bradley, Richard, attorney-general of New York, prosecutes the
      Negroes, 166.

  Bradstreet, Ann, frees her slave, 207.

  Brazil, slaves sold to the Dutch, 136.

  Brewster, Capt.  Edward, banished by Capt.  Argall, 117.

  Brewster, Thomas, a slave-trader, 269.

  Bristol County, Mass., a slave ordered to be sold, to satisfy
      judgment against him for trespass, 278.

  British army, Negroes in the, 87.

  Brown, John, reproved by Virginia committee of 1775 for purchasing
      slaves, 328.

  Brown, Joseph, effect of climate on man, 46.

  Bruce, James, discovers the ruins of the city of Meroe, 6.

  Bunker Hill, Negroes in the battle of, 363.

  Burgess, Ebenezer, missionary to Monrovia, 97.

  Burton, Mary, testifies in the Negro plot at New York, 1741, 147,
      148, 150, 158, 160, 162-164, 167, 168;
    recompensed by the government, 170.

  Busiris, king of Egypt, 458.

  Butler, Nathaniel, commissioner for Virginia Company, 118.

  Cade, Elizabeth, a witness in the Somersett case, 205.

  Calanee, image of Buddha at, 17.

  Caldwell, Jonas, killed at the Boston Massacre, 331.

  Campbell, Sir Neill, determines the war with Ashantees, 43.

  Canaan, the curse of, 444.

  Canada, expedition from New York against, 143.

  Candace, queen of the Ethiopians, 6.

  Carey, Lot, vice-agent of Liberia, 101.

  Carey, Peggy, implicated with Negro plot in New York, 1741, 147;
    trial, 152;
    found guilty, 152;
    her evidence, 153;
    sentenced to be hanged, 158.

  Carr, Patrick, wounded at the Boston Massacre, 331.

  Cartel, Edwin, a slave-trader, 269.

  Carthage, description of, 452.

  Castle Island, Boston, Negroes sent to the barracks at, 376;
    list of the same, 378.

  Cepharenus, king of Egypt, 458,

  Ceylon, image of Buddha at, 17.

  Chaillu, Paul B. Du, description of the Obongos, 46;
    of the villages of Mandji and Ishogo, 51, 52.

  Chambers, John, volunteers to prosecute the Negroes in New York, 151,
      158, 166.

  Charles V., grants a patent to import Negroes to America, 115.

  Charleston, S.C., slave-market at, 299,
    Negroes from, recaptured, 376;
    list of, 378;
    claimed by owners, 379.

  Charlestown, Mass., Negro slaves executed at, in 1755, 226.

  Chastellux, Marquis de, describes the bravery of Col.  Greene’s Negro
      regiment at the battle of Rhode Island, 368.

  Cheops, king of Egypt, 458.

  Chibbu, Kudjoh, captured by the English, 42.

  Chisholm, Major J, services in Ashantee mentioned, 41, 42.

Project Gutenberg
History of the Negro Race in America From 1619 to 1880. Vol 1 from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.