Doña Perfecta eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 512 pages of information about Doña Perfecta.

Doña Perfecta eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 512 pages of information about Doña Perfecta.
=aflojar= t slacken; i abate. =afortunado= lucky; adv. =—­mente=. =agasajar= t fondle, caress. =agente= m agent, agency. =agitacion= f agitation, stir. =agitar= f agitate, stir, stir up. =Agnus Dei= L m (A. =agnusdei=) Agnus Dei, N =175= 12. =agolpar= r rush (all together). =agraciar= t grace; =—­do= handsome. =agradable= pleasant. =agradar= i please, suit (=a=). =agradecer= t thank (a person =a=, for a thing acc.). =agradecimiento= m thanks. =agrandar= t greaten. =agravar= t aggravate, aggravate the condition of. =agraviar= t aggrieve, put one’s self wrong with, provoke. =agresivo= aggressive. =agronomia= f agronomy, agricultural science. =agronomo= agronomist, master of agriculture. =agrupar= t group. =agua= f water. =aguantar= t stand, endure. =aguardar= t await, wait for; i wait (more on the alert than =esperar=). =agudo= sharp. =aguerrido= inured to war, war-worn. =aguila= f eagle. =aguja= f needle. =agujerear= t make a hole in. =agujero= m hole. =ah= ah. =ahi= there (where you are, or less remote than =alli=), here; =hasta——­ = up to that point; =——­ donde le ve= N =12= 31. =ahogar= t stifle, choke. =ahora= now; just now. =ahorcar= t hang. =ahuecado= hollowed, loosened up, puffed out, puffed up, pompous. =ahuyentar= t drive away. =aire= m air; pl air. =airoso= breezy; graceful, charming. =aislamiento= m isolation. =ajeno= another’s, other people’s. =ajero= garlic man, garlic-seller. =ajo= m garlic. =al= = =a el=. =ala= f wing; (hat) brim; =se me caen las—­s del corazon= I lose heart utterly. =alabanza= f praise. =alabastro= m alabaster. =alambicado= distilled; fig. double-distilled, finical. =alamillo= m d of alamo. =alamo= m poplar. =alarde= m parade, display. =alardear= i parade (=de= as). =alargar= t lengthen, run out, run up, put out, reach. =alarma= f alarm; hubbub; =grito de——­ = alarm-cry, alarum. =alarmante= alarming. =alarmar= t alarm, throw into commotion. =alborotador= unsettling, disturbance-breeding. =alborotar= r get boisterous; =—­do= boisterous, tumultuous. =alborozar= t enrapture, ravish. =albricias= f pl pay for good news; joy, joy!. =alcalde= m alcalde, chief magistrate (of town). =alcaldesa= f alcalde’s wife. =alcanzar= t reach, attain, come up with, obtain; make out, take in, see, understand; =no——­ mas= (A. =no se me alcanza mas=) not have much brains. =alcoba= f bedchamber. =alcurniado= m (not in A.) aristocratic. =aldaba= f, =aldabon= m, knocker. =aldea= f (little, unorganized) village, hamlet. =aldeano= village, villager. =alegrar= t gladden; r be glad. =alegre= cheery, merry, blithe. =alegria= f
Project Gutenberg
Doña Perfecta from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.