Doña Perfecta eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 512 pages of information about Doña Perfecta.

Doña Perfecta eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 512 pages of information about Doña Perfecta.
=abominable= abominable. =abordar= t (nautical) run into, come up to; (of question) enter upon, attack. =aborrecer= t hate, abhor, detest. =aborrecimiento= m hate. =abrasador= scorching. =abrasar= t scorch, inflame; r be all on fire (=en= with). =abrazar= t (r w. =a=) embrace. =abrazo= m embrace. =abrigo= m shelter, protection; wrap. =abril= m April. =abrir= t open (=tanto= so wide); _=—­ierto= adj._ open. =abside= m apse. =absoluto= absolute; unlimited; adv. =—­mente=; =en——­= unqualifiedly, outright. =absolver= t absolve, exculpate. =absorber= t absorb. =absorto= astounded, dumfounded. =abstener= r abstain. =absurdo= absurd; m absurdity. =abuelo= grandfather, forefather. =abundancia= f abundance. =abundante= abundant, in abundance; adv. =—­mente=. =abundar= i abound. =abur= good-by (curtly). =aburrimiento= m boredom, dull times, ennui. =aburrir= t bore, weary; annoy. =aca= here (hither; cf. =aca 154= 2, =aqui 154= 3). =acabamiento= m extinction, collapse. =acabar= t or i finish; have just (=de=); come to an end, be over, be done; end (=por= with); make an end (=con= of); =casi——­ de= have hardly more than just; =y—­emos= and done with it; =—­do= complete, consummate.  N =40= 1. =academia= f academy. =acaecer= i befall. =acalorar= t warm up. =acaparar= t corner, monopolize, engross, lead by the nose. =acaso= perchance, peradventure; =si——­ = if anything. =acatar= t look up to, do homage to. =acaudillar= t head (in war). =acceso= m access. =accidente= m accident; fit, seizure. =accion= f action. =accionar= i gesture. =acechar= i watch. =aceite= m (esp. olive) oil. =acendrar= t refine (in cupel); =—­do= stainless. =acento= m accent. =aceptar= t accept. =acequia= f channel. =acerado= steely, stark. =acerbo= harsh, severe, sore; adv. =-mente=. =acerca de= about, regarding. =acercar= t bring near; r near, draw near. =acero= m steel. =acertar= t or i hit; =—­do= sensible. =aciago= untoward. =acicalar= polish (weapon); make up (person; decorating, doing up hair, etc.). =acierto= m good aim. =aclaracion= f clearing up, elucidation. =acobardar= t intimidate, cow; r show the white feather. =acoger= t admit, receive. =acolito= m acolyte. =acometer= t fall upon, rush at, assail. =acometida= f onslaught. =acomodamiento= m accommodation. =acomodar= t accommodate; r get on together. =acomodo= m accommodations. =acompanar= t accompany (=de= with), keep one company. =acongojar= t distress, weigh down with distress. =aconsejar= t advise (person dat., thing acc.). =acontecer= i take place. =acopiar= t
Project Gutenberg
Doña Perfecta from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.