The Works of the Right Honourable Edmund Burke, Vol. 05 (of 12) eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 506 pages of information about The Works of the Right Honourable Edmund Burke, Vol. 05 (of 12).

The Works of the Right Honourable Edmund Burke, Vol. 05 (of 12) eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 506 pages of information about The Works of the Right Honourable Edmund Burke, Vol. 05 (of 12).

It is worthy of observation, that this his account of the genius of Jacobinism and its effects is not confined to the period in which that faction came to be divided within itself.  In several, and those very important particulars, Brissot’s observations apply to the whole of the preceding period before the great schism, and whilst the Jacobins acted as one body; insomuch that the far greater part of the proceedings of the ruling powers since the commencement of the Revolution in France, so strikingly painted, so strongly and so justly reprobated by Brissot, were the acts of Brissot himself and his associates.  All the members of the Girondin subdivision were as deeply concerned as any of the Mountain could possibly be, and some of them much more deeply, in those horrid transactions which have filled all the thinking part of Europe with the greatest detestation, and with the most serious apprehensions for the common liberty and safety.

A question will very naturally be asked,—­What could induce Brissot to draw such a picture?  He must have been sensible it was his own.  The answer is,—­The inducement was the same with that which led him to partake in the perpetration of all the crimes the calamitous effects of which he describes with the pen of a master,—­ambition.  His faction, having obtained their stupendous and unnatural power by rooting out of the minds of his unhappy countrymen every principle of religion, morality, loyalty, fidelity, and honor, discovered, that, when authority came into their hands, it would be a matter of no small difficulty for them to carry on government on the principles by which they had destroyed it.

The rights of men and the new principles of liberty and equality were very unhandy instruments for those who wished to establish a system of tranquillity and order.  They who were taught to find nothing to respect in the title and in the virtues of Louis the Sixteenth, a prince succeeding to the throne by the fundamental laws, in the line of a succession of monarchs continued for fourteen hundred years, found nothing which could bind them to an implicit fidelity and dutiful allegiance to Messrs. Brissot, Vergniaud, Condorcet, Anacharsis Clootz, and Thomas Paine.

In this difficulty, they did as well as they could.  To govern the people, they must incline the people to obey.  The work was difficult, but it was necessary.  They were to accomplish it by such materials and by such instruments as they had in their hands.  They were to accomplish the purposes of order, morality, and submission to the laws, from the principles of atheism, profligacy, and sedition.  Ill as the disguise became them, they began to assume the mask of an austere and rigid virtue; they exhausted all the stores of their eloquence (which in some of them were not inconsiderable) in declamations against tumult and confusion; they made daily harangues on the blessings of order, discipline, quiet, and obedience to authority;

Project Gutenberg
The Works of the Right Honourable Edmund Burke, Vol. 05 (of 12) from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.