A Voyage to New Holland eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 137 pages of information about A Voyage to New Holland.

A Voyage to New Holland eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 137 pages of information about A Voyage to New Holland.
the water running low, now at the end of the dry season) it was always so crowded with the European ships’ boats, who were preparing to be gone, that my men could seldom come nigh it till the governor very kindly sent an officer to clear the watering-place for my men, and to stay there till my water-casks were all full, whom I satisfied for his pains.  Here I also got aboard 9 or 10 ton of ballast, and made my boatswain fit the rigging that was amiss:  and I enquired also of my particular officers, whose business it was, whether they wanted any stores, especially pitch and tar; for that here I would supply myself before I proceeded any farther; but they said they had enough, though it did not afterwards prove so.

I commonly went ashore every day, either upon business, or to recreate myself in the fields, which were very pleasant, and the more for a shower of rain now and then, that ushers in the wet season.  Several sorts of good fruits were also still remaining, especially oranges, which were in such plenty that I and all my company stocked ourselves for our voyage with them, and they did us a great kindness; and we took in also a good quantity of rum and sugar:  but for fowls, they being here lean and dear, I was glad I had stocked myself at St. Jago.  But, by the little care my officers took for fresh provisions, one might conclude they did not think of going much farther.  Besides I had like to have been embroiled with the clergy here (of the Inquisition, as I suppose) and so my voyage might have been hindered.  What was said to them of me by some of my company that went ashore I know not; but I was assured by a merchant there that if they got me into their clutches (and it seems when I was last ashore they had narrowly watched me) the governor himself could not release me.  Besides I might either be murdered in the streets, as he sent me word, or poisoned, if I came ashore any more; and therefore he advised me to stay aboard.  Indeed I had now no further business ashore but to take leave of the governor and therefore took his advice.

His departure for new Holland.

Our stay here was till the 23rd of April.  I would have gone before if I could sooner have fitted myself; but was now earnest to be gone, because this harbour lies open to the south and south-south-west, which are raging winds here, and now was the season for them.  We had 2 or 3 touches of them; and one pretty severe, and the ships ride there so near each other that, if a cable would fail or an anchor start, you are instantly aboard of one ship or other:  and I was more afraid of being disabled he in harbour by these blustering winds than discouraged by them, as my people were, from prosecuting the voyage; for at present I even wished for a brisk southerly wind, as soon as I should be once well out of the harbour, to set me the sooner into the true general tradewind.

Project Gutenberg
A Voyage to New Holland from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.