Boswell's Life of Johnson eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 793 pages of information about Boswell's Life of Johnson.

Boswell's Life of Johnson eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 793 pages of information about Boswell's Life of Johnson.

‘Off with his head!  So much for Aylesbury.’”

I was then member for Aylesbury.’

Mr. Arthur Lee mentioned some Scotch who had taken possession of a barren part of America, and wondered why they should choose it.  Johnson.  ’Why, Sir, all barrenness is comparative.  The scotch would not know it to be barren.’  Boswell.  ’Come, come, he is flattering the English.  You have now been in Scotland, Sir, and say if you did not see meat and drink enough there.’  Johnson.  ’Why yes, Sir; meat and drink enough to give the enhabitants sufficient strength to run away from home.’  All these quick and lively sallies were said sportively, quite in jest, and with a smile, which showed that he meant only wit.  Upon this topick he and Mr. Wilkes could perfectly assimilate; here was a bond of union between them, and I was conscious that as both of them had visited Caledonia, both were fully satisfied of the strange narrow ignorance of those who imagine that it is a land of famine.  But they amused themselves with persevering in the old jokes.  When I claimed a superiority for Scotland over England in one respect, that no man can be arrested there for a debt merely because another swears it against him; but there must first be the judgement of a court of law ascertaining its justice; and that a seizure of the person, before judgement is obtained, can take place only, if his creditor should swear that he is about to fly from the country, or, as it is technically expressed, is in meditatione fugoe:  Wilkes.  ’That, I should think, may be safely sworn of all the Scotch nation.’  Johnson. (to Mr. Wilkes,) ’You must know, Sir, I lately took my friend Boswell and shewed him genuine civilised life in an English provincial town.  I turned him loose at Lichfield, my native city, that he might see for once real civility:  for you know he lives among savages in Scotland, and among rakes in London.’  Wilkes.  ’Except when he is with grave, sober, decent people like you and me.’  Johnson. (smiling,) ‘And we ashamed of him.’

They were quite frank and easy.  Johnson told the story of his asking Mrs. Macaulay to allow her footman to sit down with them, to prove the ridiculousness of the argument for the equality of mankind; and he said to me afterwards, with a nod of satisfaction, ’You saw Mr. Wilkes acquiesced.’  Wilkes talked with all imaginable freedom of the ludicrous title given to the Attorney-General, Diabolus Regis; adding, ’I have reason to know something about that officer; for I was prosecuted for a libel.’  Johnson, who many people would have supposed must have been furiously angry at hearing this talked of so lightly, said not a word.  He was now, indeed, ‘a good-humoured fellow.’

After dinner we had an accession of Mrs. Knowles, the Quaker lady, well known for her various talents, and of Mr. Alderman Lee.  Amidst some patriotick groans, somebody (I think the Alderman) said, ’Poor old England is lost.’  Johnson.  ’Sir, it is not so much to be lamented that Old England is lost, as that the Scotch have found it.’  Wilkes.  ’Had Lord Bute governed Scotland only, I should not have taken the trouble to write his eulogy, and dedicate Mortimer to him.’

Project Gutenberg
Boswell's Life of Johnson from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.