A System of Instruction in the Practical Use of the Blowpipe eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 293 pages of information about A System of Instruction in the Practical Use of the Blowpipe.

A System of Instruction in the Practical Use of the Blowpipe eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 293 pages of information about A System of Instruction in the Practical Use of the Blowpipe.

  a.  Beryl [...Be][...Si]^{2} + [...Al=][...Si]^{2}
  b.  Diallage ([.Ca][.Mg][.Fe])^{3}([...Si][...Al=])^{2}
     Hypersthene ([.Mg][.Fe])^{3}[...Si]^{2} |
  c.  Fuchsite ([.K]^{5}[...Si])^{2} +
  a.  Leucite [.K]^{3}[...Si]^{2} + [...Al=][...Si]^{2}
  b.  Chondrodite ([.Mg],[.Mg]F)^{4}([...Si]SiF^{3})
     Olivine ([.Mg][.Fe][.Ca])^{2}[...Si]
  c.  Andalusite ([...Al=]Fe)^{3}[...Si]^{2}
     Chrysoberyl [...Be] + [...Al=]
     Kaynite [...Al=]^{3}[...Si]^{2}
     Pycnite 6[...Al=]^{3}[...Si]^{2} + (3[...Al=]F^{3} +
     Topaz 6[...Al=]^{3}[...Si]^{2} + (3[...Al=]F^{3} +
     Zircon [...Zr=][...Si]
     Staurolite ([...Al=]Fe)^{2}[...Si]

Hydrous Silicates.
____________ Fus. alone and with NaC.
Mineral.                  Formula.
____________ I. a.  Analcime [.Na]^{3}[...Si]^{2} + 3[...Al=][...Si]^{2} + 6[.H] Int.  Apophyllite ([.K], KF)([...Si], SiF^{3}) + 6[.Ca][...Si] + 15[.H] Int.  Brewsterite ([.Sr][.Ba])[...Si] + [...Al=][...Si]^{3} + 5[.H] Int.  Chabasite ([.Ca],[.Na],[.K])^{3}[...Si] + 3[...Al=][...Si]^{2} + 18[.H] Int.  Lapis Lazuli [...Si],[...S],[...Al=], Fe, [.Ca], [.Na], [.H] Laumonite [.Ca]^{3}[...Si]^{2} + 3[...Al=][...Si]^{2} + 12[.H] Int.  Mesotype ([.Na][.Ca])[...Si] + [...Al=][...Si] + 3[.H] Int.  Natrolite [.Na][...Si] + [...Al=][...Si] + 2[.H] Int.  Prehnite [.Ca]^{2}[...Si] + [...Al=][...Si] + [.H] Int.  Scolezite [.Ca][...Si] + [...Al=][...Si] + 3[.H] Int.  Thomsonite ([.Ca][.Na])^{3}[...Si] + 3[...Al=][...Si] + 7[.H] Int.  Datholite 2[.Ca]^{3}[...Si] + [...B]^{3}[...Si]^{2} + 3[.H] Int.  Heulandite [.Ca][...Si] + [...Al=][...Si]^{3} + 5[.H] Int.  Stilbite [.Ca][...Si] + [...Al=][...Si]^{3} + 6[.H] Int. b.  Okenite [.Ca]^{3}[...Si]^{4} + 6[.H] Int.  Pectolite ([.Ca][.Na])^{4}[...Si]^{3} + [.H] Int. c.  Saponite 2[.Mg]^{3}[...Si]^{2} + [...Al=][...Si] + 10 or 6[.H] II. a.  Antrimolite 3([.Ca][.K])[...Si] + 5[...Al=][...Si] + 15[.H] Harmatome [...Ba][...Si] + [...Al=]S^{2} + 5[.H] b.  Brevicite [.Na][...Si] + [...Al=][...Si] + 2[.H] Orthite [.R]^{3}[...Si] + [...R=][...Si] + ([.H]?) Int.

  c.  Pitchstone [...Si],[...Al=], Fe, [.Mg][.Na], [.K][.H]
     Talc to V. [.Mg]^{6}[...Si]^{5} + 2[.H]
     Chlorite 3([.Mg]Fe)^{3}[...Si] + ([...Al=]Fe)^{2}[...Si]
                    + 9[.H]
     Pinite [...Si],[...Al=],[.Fe],[.K],[.Mg],[.H]

Project Gutenberg
A System of Instruction in the Practical Use of the Blowpipe from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.