The Marriage Contract eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 181 pages of information about The Marriage Contract.

The Marriage Contract eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 181 pages of information about The Marriage Contract.
thousand francs a year out of real estate.  So, you see, Paul, I do not give my friends advice that I am not ready to act upon.
If you had but listened to me, you would have an English wife, some Nabob’s daughter, who would leave you the freedom of a bachelor and the independence necessary for playing the whist of ambition.  I would concede my future wife to you if you were not married already.  But that cannot be helped, and I am not the man to bid you chew the cud of the past.
All this preamble was needful to explain to you that for the future my position in life will be such as a man needs if he wants to play the great game of pitch-and-toss.  I cannot do without you, my friend.  Now, then, my dear Paul, instead of setting sail for India you would do a much wiser thing to navigate with me the waters of the Seine.  Believe me, Paris is still the place where fortune, abundant fortune, can be won.  Potosi is in the rue Vivienne, the rue de la Paix, the Place Vendome, the rue de Rivoli.  In all other places and countries material works and labors, marches and counter-marches, and sweatings of the brow are necessary to the building up of fortune; but in Paris thought suffices.  Here, every man even mentally mediocre, can see a mine of wealth as he puts on his slippers, or picks his teeth after dinner, in his down-sitting and his up-rising.  Find me another place on the globe where a good round stupid idea brings in more money, or is sooner understood than it is here.
If I reach the top of the ladder, as I shall, am I the man to refuse you a helping hand, an influence, a signature?  We shall want, we young roues, a faithful friend on whom to count, if only to compromise him and make him a scape-goat, or send him to die like a common soldier to save his general.  Government is impossible without a man of honor at one’s side, in whom to confide and with whom we can do and say everything.
Here is what I propose.  Let the “Belle-Amelie” sail without you; come back here like a thunderbolt; I’ll arrange a duel for you with Vandenesse in which you shall have the first shot, and you can wing him like a pigeon.  In France the husband who shoots his rival becomes at once respectable and respected.  No one ever cavils at him again.  Fear, my dear fellow, is a valuable social element, a means of success for those who lower their eyes before the gaze of no man living.  I who care as little to live as to drink a glass of milk, and who have never felt the emotion of fear, I have remarked the strange effects produced by that sentiment upon our modern manners.  Some men tremble to lose the enjoyments to which they are attached, others dread to leave a woman.  The old adventurous habits of other days when life was flung away like a garment exist no longer.  The bravery of a great many men is nothing more than a clever calculation on the fear of their adversary.  The Poles are the
Project Gutenberg
The Marriage Contract from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.