Across India eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 323 pages of information about Across India.

Across India eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 323 pages of information about Across India.

It required some time to digest the sights the voyagers had seen in India; but when, a few days later, the Nickobar Islands were reported off the port bow, the “Big Four” began to think and wonder what new and strange climes they were to visit.  They were inclined to believe they had seen everything that was worth seeing in the civilized world, and they had some decided views of their own in regard to the future.  They were eager to engage for a time in something more stirring than gazing at palaces, churches, temples, and other wonders of the great cities; and they were not diffident in the expression of their wishes when the commander called a meeting in Conference Hall to consider what ports the Guardian-Mother should visit next, as well as to inform the tourists in regard to the islands in the immediate vicinity.  Those who are interested in the decision of the company, and in the events which followed in consequence of it, are referred to the next volume of the series:  “HALF ROUND THE WORLD; OR, SOME ADVENTURES AMONG THE UNCIVILIZED.”

Project Gutenberg
Across India from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.