Acetaria: A Discourse of Sallets eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 132 pages of information about Acetaria.

Acetaria: A Discourse of Sallets eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 132 pages of information about Acetaria.

  Furniture and Ingredients of Sallets, 61


  Galen Lover of Lettuce, 21

  Gardiner’s happy Life, 113;
    Entertain Heroes and great Persons, 115

  Garlick, 18

  Garnishing, 8

  Gatherers of Sallets should be skilful Herbarists, 71

  Gemmae, 9, vide Buds.

  Gerkems, 15, vide Cucumber.

  Ginny-Pepper, 78

  Goats beard, 18

  Golden Age, 99

  Gordian Emp., 82

  Gramen Amygdalosum, 48

  Grand Sallet, 42

  Grass, 82

  Grillus, 56

  Gymnosophists, 97


  Habits difficult to overcome, applied to Flesh-Eaters, 98

  Haeredium of old, 123

  Halimus, 36

  Harmony in mixing Sallet Ingredients as Notes in Musick, 60

  Hautgout, 77

  Head, 40, vide Cephalicks.

  Heart, 42, vide Cordials.

  Heliotrop, 49

  Hemlock, 54

  Herbaceous Animals know by instinct what Herbs are proper for them
    better than Men
, 56;
    and excel them in most of the senses, ib.

  Herbals, vide Books.

  Herbs, crude, whether wholsome, 80;
    What proper for Sallets, 70;
    Their Qualities and Vertues to be examined, 82;
    Herby Diet most Natural, 98

  Heroes of old skill’d in Cookery, 77

  Hippocrates condemns Radish, 37;
    That Men need only Vegetables, 106

  Hipposelinum, 5

  Holyhoc, 24

  Honey, 14

  Hops, 19

  Horarii fructus, 74

  Horminum, 12

  Horses not so diseased as Men, 91;
    Recompens’d by some Masters for long Service, 91

  Horse-Radish, 38

  Hortulan Provision most plentiful of any, advantageous, universal,
    natural, &c.
, 110

  Hot Plants, 8

  Hot Beds, how unwholsome for Salleting, 85

  House-wife had charge of the Kitchin Garden, 119

  Humours, 57

  Hypochondria, 9

  Hysop, 19


  Ilander, 58;
    obnoxious to the Scorbute, ib.

  Indigestion, 38

  Ingredients, 4, vide Furniture.

  Insects, 28

  Intuba Sativa, 16

  Israelites Love of Onions, 32


  Jack-by-the-Hedge, 19

Project Gutenberg
Acetaria: A Discourse of Sallets from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.