The Desert Valley eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 310 pages of information about The Desert Valley.

The Desert Valley eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 310 pages of information about The Desert Valley.

’Maybe I can be of assistance to you.  You will be busy enough getting your crew and implements.  I know everybody in San Ramon; George Harkness, at the court-house, is the man to arrange your papers and he is an old friend of mine.  I am going to see him anyway to-day, and if you like I can have him do everything for you and send you your papers next week.  It requires several days, you know,’ and by now her intent regard had assured her that he knew absolutely nothing in the world about it.

Longstreet demurred.  He wasn’t certain that it could be done this way, nor did he like the idea of imposing upon her.  But, she told him quickly, it could be done; she had acted for another gentleman in this capacity, Mr. Nate Kemble of the Quigley mines.  She knew all about it.  As for imposition, she broke into a timid little laugh.

’I am a rather helpless and, I am afraid, stupid sort of a little woman,’ she confessed.  ’I have to make my own way in the world, and this is one of the ways I do it.  If, when everything is properly concluded, you feel that I have really been of assistance and care to send me a small cheque, just for services rendered, you understand, why——­’

He saw the matter immediately in the desired light.

‘Then,’ he told her heartily, ’I shall be delighted to have you see Mr. Harkness for me.  You are very kind, Mrs. Murray.  And, as you say, I can give my attention exclusively to the other end of the business.  As to the location of the spot so that the papers——­’

’Oh, that part is all right!  I know just where the Dry Gulch is and so will George when he looks it up on his maps.  You won’t have to worry about that in the least.’

Again Sanchia grew silent and thoughtful.  Before them, side by side, went Helen and Howard.  She watched them and held her horse back so that she and Longstreet would not come any closer to them.  Finally she made her second suggestion, watching as before the play of Longstreet’s expression.

‘You have told Mr. Howard?’

‘Yes.  No one else.’

‘He understands that you wish to keep your secret from Helen?’


’Then, suppose we do this:  As we come into town I must leave you a moment to ride by the milliner’s and be sure that she holds that hat for me; she lives on a side street.  You can ride with the others to the hotel, for you will have to stay all night there; it will be impossible for you to get everything done before dark.  And, after all, maybe it would be better if you come with me to the court-house.  I want you at least to meet Mr. Harkness.  I will attend to everything for you; you can rejoin Helen and Mr. Howard.  And I think he will understand if you suggest that he stay with Helen at the hotel while you ride down to the post office to mail a letter, let’s say.  I wouldn’t mention court-house,’ she added, ‘as Helen might guess.’

Project Gutenberg
The Desert Valley from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.