The Mahabharata of Krishna-Dwaipayana Vyasa, Volume 3 eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 2,886 pages of information about The Mahabharata of Krishna-Dwaipayana Vyasa, Volume 3.

The Mahabharata of Krishna-Dwaipayana Vyasa, Volume 3 eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 2,886 pages of information about The Mahabharata of Krishna-Dwaipayana Vyasa, Volume 3.
Kshatriyas are able to possess the eternal and undeteriorating Earth as their wife and enjoy her.  The power of the Brahmanas, again, is made up of Agni and Shoma.  The universe is upheld by that power and, therefore, is upheld by Agni and Shoma united together.  It is said that Surya and Chandramas are the eyes of Narayana.  The rays of Surya constitute my eyes.  Each of them, viz., the Sun and the Moon, invigorate and warm the universe respectively.  And because of the Sun and the Moon thus warming and invigorating the universe, they have come to be regarded as the Harsha (joy) of the universe.  It is in consequence of these acts of Agni and Shoma that uphold the universe that I have come to be called by the name of Hrishikesa, O son of Pandu.  Indeed, I am the boon-giving Isana, the Creator of the universe.[1864] Through virtue of the Mantras with which libations of clarified butter are poured on the sacred fire, I take and appropriate the (principal) share of the offerings made in sacrifices.  My complexion also is of that foremost of gems called Harit.  It is for these reasons that I am called by the name of Hari.  I am the highest abode of all creatures and am regarded by persons conversant with the scriptures to be identical with Truth or Nectar.  I am, for this reason, called by learned Brahmanas by the name of Ritadhama (abode of Truth or Nectar).  When in days of yore the Earth became submerged in the waters and lost to the view, I found her out and raised her from the depths of the Ocean.  For this reason the deities adore me by the name of Govinda.  Sipivishta is another name of mine.  The word Sipi indicates a person that has no hair on his body.  He who pervades all things in the form of Sipi is known by the name of Sipivishta.  The Rishi Yaksha, with tranquil soul, in many a sacrifice invoked me by the name Sipivishta.  It is for this reason that I came to bear this secret name.  Yaksha of great intelligence, having adored me by the name Sipivishta, succeeded in restoring the Niruktas which had disappeared from the surface of the Earth and sunk into nether regions.  I was never born.  I never take birth.  Nor shall I ever be born.  I am the Kshetrajna of all creatures.  Hence am I called by the name of Aja (unborn).[1865] I have never uttered anything base or anything that is obscene.  The divine Saraswati who is Truth’s self, who is the daughter of Brahma and is otherwise called by the name of Rita, represents my speech and always dwells in my tongue.  The existent and the non-existent have been merged by me in my Soul.  The Rishis dwelling in Pushkara, which is regarded as the abode of Brahman, called me by the name of Truth.  I have never swerved from the attribute of Sattwa, and know that the attribute of Sattwa has flowed from me.  In this birth also of mine, O Dhananjaya, my ancient attribute of Sattwa has not left me, so that in even this life, establishing myself on Sattwa, I set myself to acts without ever wishing for their fruits. 
Project Gutenberg
The Mahabharata of Krishna-Dwaipayana Vyasa, Volume 3 from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.