McGuffey's Eclectic Spelling Book eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 106 pages of information about McGuffey's Eclectic Spelling Book.

McGuffey's Eclectic Spelling Book eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 106 pages of information about McGuffey's Eclectic Spelling Book.

Words in which the letter A is often mispronounced.  Some of the words in this and succeeding lessons have two pronunciations, but in all cases the preferable one is given.

hearth    mam ma’       an’cient    fra’ter nize
grass     a slant’      la’va       com man dant’
slant     pa pa’        saun’ter    ti a’ra
gape      a las’        pal’frey    al ter’nate
gaunt     al’mond       rap’ine     af fla’tus
far       scath’less    dra’ma      hi a’tus
swathe    pag’eant      la’ma       ba na’na
lance     stal’wart     da’ta       sul ta’na
calm      aft’er        ma’gi       man da’mus
laugh     par’ent       pa’thos     oc ta’vo

Lesson 175.

Words in which A is frequently mispronounced.

chal’dron     ar ca’num       u ra’ni urn
na’tant       er ra’tum       a qua’ri um
hal’berd      ver ba’tim      ap pa ra’tus
tas’sel       val’en tine     ig no ra’mus
sau’cy        ca’ri ous       ir ra’tion al
mael’strom    tra’che a       lit er a’ti
squa’lor      bar bar’ic      lit er a’tim
dai’ry        bar ri cade’    ul ti ma’tum
ca’ret        ra’di us        mar a nath’a
gra’tis       chol’e ra       gym na’si um
ra’dix        ca na’ry        ex pa’ti ate

Lesson 176.

Sounds of A frequently mispronounced.

gla’mour    sac’ra ment    glance    al’ways
raft’er     a’pri cot      zouave    a mass’
scal’lop    gar’ru lous    drain     Ar’ab
craft’y     bra va’do      stanch    ba’thos
grass’y     de fal’cate    scarce    cal’dron
em balm’    ca ca’o        cant      chas’ten
a ghast’    rail’ler y     can’t     fac’ile
was’sail    an dan’te      strap     fair’y
balm’y      hal’i but      yacht     ga’la
al’der      na’ive te      scath     qua’si
Al’dine     fi na’le       calk      lo cale’

Lesson 177.

Sounds of A often mispronounced.

swath     pau’per      gra va’men     a men’
halve     ha’rem       to ma’to       gua’no
jean      pa sha’      sa’li ent      na’ive
catch     fac’et       pa’ri ah       har’ass
balm      fal’chion    far ra’go      sat’ire
groat     laugh’ter    tap’es try     jal’ap
trance    tar’iff      de ca’dence    e clat’
yea       ba salt’     a’re a         prai’rie
are       hur ra’      va ga’ry       ra’tion
shaft     ba ton’      cu’po la       Sal’ic
scared    quag’mire    cu ra’tor      ta’pis

Lesson 178.

Words in which the Sounds of E are often mispronounced.

ei’ther     eq’ui ty       leg’end a ry
pre’cept    ten’a ble      ab ste’mi ous
weap’on     e’go tism      a me’na ble
prel’ate    ter’ra pin     a pe’ri ent
yel’low     al le’gro      ste’re o type
ven due’    in her’ent     sac ri le’gious
for get’    le’ni ent      be nef’i cent
stead’y     yes’ter day    a men’i ty
en’gine     e’qua ble      e le’gi ac
ket’tle     pe’o ny        hy men e’al
treb’le     e’qui poise    em py re’an

Lesson 179.

Words in which the Sounds of E are often mispronounced.

Project Gutenberg
McGuffey's Eclectic Spelling Book from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.