Imperium in Imperio: A Study of the Negro Race Problem eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 194 pages of information about Imperium in Imperio.

Imperium in Imperio: A Study of the Negro Race Problem eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 194 pages of information about Imperium in Imperio.

“All differences between the race were to be settled by this Government, as it had a well organized judiciary.  Negroes, members of this Government, were to be no longer seen fighting negroes before prejudiced white courts.  An army was organized and every able-bodied citizen enlisted.  After the adjournment of the lodge sessions, army drills were always executed.  A Congress was duly elected, one member for every fifty thousand citizens.  Branch legislatures were formed in each state.  Except in a few, but important particulars, the constitution was modeled after that of the United States.

“There is only one branch to our Congress, the members of which are elected by a majority vote, for an indefinite length of time, and may be recalled at any time by a majority vote.

“This Congress passes laws relating to the general welfare of our people, and whenever a bill is introduced in the Congress of the United States affecting our race it is also introduced and debated here.

“Every race question submitted to the United States judiciary, is also submitted to our own.  A record of our decisions is kept side by side with the decisions of the United States.

“The money which the scientist left was wisely invested, and at the conclusion of the civil war amounted to many millions.  Good land at the South was offered after the war for twenty-five cents an acre.  These millions were expended in the purchase of such lands, and our treasury is now good for $500,000,000.  Our citizens own about $350,000,000.  And all of this is pledged to our government in case it is needed.

“We have at our disposal, therefore, $850,000,000.  This money can he used by the Government in any way that it sees fit, so long as it is used to secure the recognition of the rights of our people.  They are determined to be free and will give their lives, as freely as they have given their property.

“This place is known as Jefferson College, but it is in reality the Capitol of our Government, and those whom you have just left are the Congressmen.”

“But, Belton,” broke in Bernard, “how does it happen that I have been excluded from all this?”

“That is explained in this way.  The relation of your mother to the Anglo-Saxon race has not been clearly understood, and you and she have been under surveillance for many years.

“It was not until recently deemed advisable to let you in, your loyalty to the race never having fully been tested.  I have been a member for years.  While I was at Stowe University, though a young man, I was chairman of the bureau of education and had charge of the work of educating the race upon the doctrine of human liberty.

“While I was at Cadeville, La., that was my work.  Though not attracting public attention, I was sowing seed broadcast.  After my famous case I was elected to Congress here and soon thereafter chosen speaker, which position I now hold.

Project Gutenberg
Imperium in Imperio: A Study of the Negro Race Problem from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.