The Book of Three Hundred Anecdotes eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 181 pages of information about The Book of Three Hundred Anecdotes.

The Book of Three Hundred Anecdotes eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 181 pages of information about The Book of Three Hundred Anecdotes.

Louis XII.—­Josquin, a celebrated composer, was appointed master of the chapel to Louis XII. of France, who promised him a benefice, but contrary to his usual custom, forgot him.  Josquin, after suffering great inconvenience from the shortness of his majesty’s memory, ventured, by a singular expedient, publicly to remind him of his promise, without giving offence.  Being commanded to compose a motet for the chapel royal, he chose the verse of the Psalm, “Oh, think of thy servant as concerning thy word,” &c., which he set in so supplicating and exquisite a manner, that it was universally admired, particularly by the king, who was not only charmed with the music, but felt the force of the words so effectually, that he soon after granted his petition, by conferring on him the promised appointment.

George the Second, when returning from his German dominions, on the way between the Brill and Helvoetsluys, was obliged to stay at an obscure public house on the road, while some of his servants went forward to obtain another carriage, that in which he had travelled having broken down.  The king ordered refreshment, but all he could get was a pot of coffee for himself and Lord Delawar, and two bottles of gin made into punch for his footmen; however, when the bill was called for, the conscientious Dutchman, knowing his customer, presented it as follows:  “To refreshments for His Sacred Majesty, King George the Second, and his household, L91.”  Lord Delawar was so provoked at this imposition, that the king overheard his altercation with the landlord, and demanded the cause of it.  His lordship immediately told him; when his majesty good humouredly replied, “My lord, the fellow is a great knave, but pay him.  Kings seldom pass this way.”

A similar anecdote is related of another monarch, who, passing through a town in Holland, was charged thirty dollars for two eggs.  On this, he said, that “Eggs were surely scarce in that town.”  “No, your majesty,” replied the landlord, “but kings are.”

Charles V. of France.—­The last words of this patriotic monarch are memorable for the noble moral for kings which they contain.  “I have aimed at justice,” said he to those around him; “but what king can be certain that he has always followed it?  Perhaps I have done much evil of which I am ignorant.  Frenchmen! who now hear me, I address myself in the presence of the Supreme Being to you. I find that kings are happy but in this—­that they have the power of doing good.”

George III. on Punctuality.—­The celebrated mathematical instrument maker, Mr. Ramsden, was frequently deficient in punctuality, and would delay for months, nay, for years, the delivery of instruments bespoken from him.  His majesty, who had more than once experienced this dilatory disposition, once ordered an instrument, which he made Ramsden positively promise to deliver on a certain day.  The day, however, came, but not the instrument.  At length Ramsden

Project Gutenberg
The Book of Three Hundred Anecdotes from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.