The Book of Three Hundred Anecdotes eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 181 pages of information about The Book of Three Hundred Anecdotes.

The Book of Three Hundred Anecdotes eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 181 pages of information about The Book of Three Hundred Anecdotes.

Carteret, Lady, and Dean Swift, 132

Carving Accident, 90

Catalogue Making, 15

Chamillart the French Lawyer, 70

Chantrey—­First sculpture, 9


Charles II. and Killigrew, 63

Charles V. of France, 64

Charles VI. of Austria, 122

Charles XII. and his Secretary, 119

Charlotte, Princess, 54

Chatillon, Admiral, and the Beggar, 10

Cherin, General, 109

Child and Goat, 103

China Ware, 129

Christmas Pudding Extraordinary, 20

Clerambault and La Fontaine, 126

Cobbler of Leyden, The, 114

Cochrane, Sir John, 46

Cochrane, Lord, 56

Coleridge’s “Watchman”, 107

Coleridge and his Dinner Companion, 126

Conjugal Affection—­French Troops in Italy, 4

Cornwallis, Admiral, and the Mutineers, 105

Crimean Captain, 111

  and Dr. Boyse, 40
  and the Jockey, 67
  and the Farmer, 69
  his Witty Replies, 70

Cuvier and his Visitors, 116

Day, Thomas, and Sir W. Jones, 72

Deaf and Dumb Mother, 1

Denon and Defoe, 16

Dey of Algiers and Admiral Keppel, 104

Dickens—­Origin of “Boz”, 15

Dictionaries, 14

Dieppe Pilot, 43

DINNERS, 19-22

DOCTORS, 22-27

Domat, Judge, and the Poor Widow, 11

Douglas, The, 47

Drama, The, 27-33

Dreaming, 129

Drummond, Provost, 52

Duke of Newcastle and Mr. Pitt—­a Dispute in Bed, 86

Duncan, Admiral, 121

DUTY, 34

Duval, the Librarian, 77

Edinburgh—­Spoiled Street, 130

Erskine and Lord Kellie, 126

Erskine, Legal Anecdotes of, 67-68

Eveillan, Archdeacon of Angers, 57

Faithful Depositary, 37

Faithful Domestic, 36

Falkland, Lord, and the House of Commons, 86

Family Sacrifice—­French Revolution, 4

Fear of Death, 58

Fenelon, Archbishop—­his Humanity, 56


Fielding, Sir J., and the Irishman, 71

Filial Affection—­French Boy, 2

Fletcher, of Saltown, and his Footman, 113

Fontenelle, 37, 38

Fools, 38

Foote, the Actor, 33


Fouche and Napoleon, 91

Francis I. and his Fool, 38

Project Gutenberg
The Book of Three Hundred Anecdotes from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.