Bab Ballads and Savoy Songs eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 118 pages of information about Bab Ballads and Savoy Songs.

Bab Ballads and Savoy Songs eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 118 pages of information about Bab Ballads and Savoy Songs.

PAUL.  A HERALD OF THE CROSS, by Florence Morse Kingsley, “A vivid and picturesque narrative of the life and times of the great Apostle.”  Cloth, ornamental, 12mo., 450 pages, $1.50.

VIC.  THE AUTOBIOGRAPHY OF A FOX TERRIER, by Marie More Marsh.  “A fitting companion to that other wonderful book, ‘Black Beauty.’” Cloth, 12mo., 50 cents.

WOMAN’S WORK IN THE HOME, by Archdeacon Farrar.  Cloth, small 18mo., 50 cents.

THE APOCRYPHAL BOOKS OF THE NEW TESTAMENT, being the gospels and epistles used by the followers of Christ in the first three centuries after his death, and rejected by the Council of Nice, A.D. 325.  Cloth, 8vo., illustrated, $2.00.

THE PILGRIM’S PROGRESS, as John Bunyan wrote it.  A fac-simile reproduction of the first edition, published in 1678.  Antique cloth, 12mo., $1.25.

THE FAIREST OF THE FAIR, by Hildegarde Hawthorne.  “The grand-daughter of Nathaniel Hawthorne possesses a full share of his wonderful genius.”  Cloth, 16mo., $1.25.

A LOVER IN HOMESPUN, by F. Clifford Smith.  Interesting tales of adventure and home life in Canada.  Cloth, 12mo., 75 cents.

ANNIE BESANT:  AN AUTOBIOGRAPHY.  Cloth, 12mo., 368 pages, illustrated. $2.00.

THE GRAMMAR OF PALMISTRY, by Katharine St. Hill.  Cloth, 12mo., illustrated, 75 cents.

AROUND THE WORLD IN EIGHTY MINUTES.  Contains over 100 photographs of the most famous places and edifices with descriptive text.  Cloth, 50 cents.

WHAT WOMEN SHOULD KNOW.  A woman’s book about women.  By Mrs. E.B.  Duffy.  Cloth, 320 pages, 75 cents.

THE CARE OF CHILDREN, by Elisabeth R. Scovil.  “An excellent book of the most vital interest,” Cloth, 12mo., $1.00.

PREPARATION FOR MOTHERHOOD, by Elisabeth R. Scovil.  Cloth, 12mo., 320 pages, $1.00.

ALTEMUS’ CONVERSATION DICTIONARIES.  English-German, English-French.  “Combined dictionaries and phrase books.”  Pocket size, each $1.00.

TAINE’S ENGLISH LITERATURE, translated from the French by Henry Van Laun, illustrated with 20 fine photogravure portraits.  Best English library edition, four volumes, cloth, full gilt, octavo, per set, $10.00.  Half calf, per set, $12.50.  Cheaper edition, with frontispiece illustrations only, cloth, paper titles, per set $7.50.

SHAKESPEARE’S COMPLETE WORKS, with a biographical sketch by Mary Cowden Clark, embellished with 64 Boydell, and numerous other illustrations, four volumes, over 2000 pages.  Half Morocco, 12mo., boxed, per set, $3.00.

* * * * *


THE DORE BIBLE GALLERY.  A complete panorama of Bible History, containing 100 full-page engravings by Gustave Dore.

MILTON’S PARADISE LOST, with 50 full-page engravings by Gustave Dore.

DANTE’S INFERNO, with 75 full-page engravings by Gustave Dore.

Project Gutenberg
Bab Ballads and Savoy Songs from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.