The Great Events by Famous Historians, Volume 4 eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 550 pages of information about The Great Events by Famous Historians, Volume 4.

The Great Events by Famous Historians, Volume 4 eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 550 pages of information about The Great Events by Famous Historians, Volume 4.

Pope Gelasius makes the distinction between the canonical and apocryphal books of the Scriptures.  He asserts his divine right, as Bishop of Rome, to universal supremacy.

495.[76] Cerdic and his band of Saxons, who sail in five ships, land in Britain.

496.  Clovis vanquishes the Alemanni; he is baptized.  See “CLOVIS FOUNDS THE KINGDOM OF THE FRANKS,” iv, 113.

497.  The Arabs (Saracens) invade Syria; they are repulsed by Eugenius.

Many Athanasian bishops are banished from Africa to Sardinia.

498.  Publication of the Babylonian Talmud or Gemaras.

Violent contest between Symmachus and Laurentius for the episcopal throne at Rome, decided by Theodoric in favor of the former.

500.  Clovis, King of the Franks, defeats the Burgundians near Dijon.

502.  Syria and Palestine ravaged by the Saracens.  The Bulgarians again devastate Thrace.

504.  Expulsion by the Franks of the Alemanni from the Middle Rhine.  Theodoric defeats the Bulgarians and retakes Sirmium, which they had captured.

505.  Peace is declared between the Eastern Empire and Persia, ending desultory conflicts that had continued some years.

507.  Clovis overthrows the Visigoths near Poitiers; he becomes master of nearly the whole of Aquitania.  See “CLOVIS FOUNDS THE KINGDOM OF THE FRANKS,” iv, 113.

Amalarich, Alaric’s infant son, and Giselich, his natural son, are proclaimed joint kings of the Visigoths by Theodoric; he preserves for them all Spain and a part of Gaul.

508.  Natanleod, a British prince, is defeated and slain, in a desperate battle, by Cerdic the Saxon.

510.  Clovis adds the territory of certain minor Frank princes to his own territory; he makes Paris his capital.  See “CLOVIS FOUNDS THE KINGDOM OF THE FRANKS,” iv, 113.

511.  Death of Clovis; the Frankish kingdom is divided equally among his four sons:  Theodoric I (Thierry), Metz; Clodomir, Orleans; Childebert I, Paris; and Clotair, Soissons.

Monophysite riot at Constantinople, caused by the controversy respecting the nature of Christ.

512.  Second Monophysite riot at Constantinople.

515.  A body of Huns breaks through the Caspian gates and invades Cappadocia.

Publication of St. Benedict’s monastic rule.

518.  Death of Anastasius, the Eastern Emperor, and accession of Justin I.

519.  Cerdic gives the name of Wessex to that part of Britain conquered by him; he assumes the title of king; Cynric is his coadjutor.

523.  Sigismund, the Burgundian King, assumes the monastic habit, but is betrayed into the hands of the Franks, who throw him, with his wife and children, into a well at Orleans.  His brother, Gondemar, is elected king.

525.  Theodoric, King of Italy, orders the execution of Boethius and Symmachus.

526.  Death of Theodoric and accession of Athalaric.

Project Gutenberg
The Great Events by Famous Historians, Volume 4 from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.