A Library Primer eBook

John Cotton Dana
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 142 pages of information about A Library Primer.

A Library Primer eBook

John Cotton Dana
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 142 pages of information about A Library Primer.

Accession book.  See catalog of the Library Bureau.  For a very small library a common blank-book will do.

Agreement blanks, which the borrower signs before getting his borrower’s card giving him the right to use the library.  See chapter on charging systems.

Book cards.  See chapter on charging systems, and Library Bureau catalog.

Book pockets.  See Library Bureau catalog, and also chapter on charging systems.

Borrowers’ cards.  Given to borrowers as evidence of their right to draw books.  See chapter on charging systems.

Borrowers’ register, best kept on cards.  See chapter on charging systems.

Catalog cards.  These are of two sizes and many thicknesses.  Select what suits you.  See Library Bureau catalog.

Catalog case.  See Library Bureau catalog.  For a very small library a few japanned tin trays will serve.  But your catalog will grow faster than you suppose.

Cole size card; a sheet marked in such a way as to give one at a glance the proper letter to use in indicating the size of any book placed on it.  See Library Bureau catalog.  In a very small library not needed.

Classification scheme.  See chapters on classification.

Cutter author table for book numbers.  See chapter on book numbers.  For a very small library one can use numbers only.

Daters and ink pads for dating borrowers’ cards, etc.  The pencil daters are best.  See chapter on charging systems.

Ink.  For all outside labels use Higgins’ American drawing ink, waterproof.  For book cards, borrowers’ cards, etc., use any good black, non-copying ink.  Carter’s fluid is very good.

Labels.  Round ones are best and those ready gummed do well if carefully put on.  Dennison’s “88A” are good.

Paste.  Binder’s paste is good; for library use it needs thinning.  Higgins’ photo mounter and other like bottled pastes are better.

Rubber stamps and ink pad for marking books with name of library.  See chapter on preparing books for the shelves.

Shelf list cards.  See Library Bureau catalog.

Shelf list sheets (or cards).  See Library Bureau catalog.  In a very small library sheets of ordinary ruled writing paper will serve.  It is better, however, to get the right thing at the start.


The relation of the Library Bureau to libraries

Geo. B. Meleney, Ch.  Mgr., in Public Libraries, May, 1896

The consideration of the relations of the Library Bureau to libraries brings us back to the organization of the American Library Association in 1876.  At this gathering of the prominent librarians of the country, the discussion of methods brought out the lack of unanimity in, and the need of cooeperation for, a uniform system in the various branches of library work.  To carry out uniform methods requires uniform material, and this was hard to obtain.  The American Library Association as such, of course, could not take up a business venture of this kind, but it was decided to advise an organization for keeping on sale such supplies and library aids as the association might decide were needed.

Project Gutenberg
A Library Primer from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.