Tracy Park eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 686 pages of information about Tracy Park.

Tracy Park eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 686 pages of information about Tracy Park.

In this state of things their welcome could not be very cordial, but Mrs. Tracy was too tired and too much excited, to observe their demeanor particularly.  They were civil, and the house was in perfect order, and so much larger and handsomer than she had thought it to be, that she felt bewildered and embarrassed, and said ’Yes ’em,’ and ‘No, ma’am,’ to Martha, the cook, and told Sarah, who was waiting at dinner, that she ’might as well sit down in a chair as to stand all the time; she presumed she was tired with so many extra steps to take.’

But Sarah knew her business, and persisted in standing, and inflicting upon the poor woman as much ceremony as possible, and then, in the kitchen, she repeated to the cook and the coachman, with sundry embellishments of her own, the particulars of the dinner, amid peals of laughter at the expense of the would-be lady, who had said ’she could just as soon have her salad with her other things, and save washing go many dishes.’

It was hardly possible that mistress and maids would stay together long, especially as Mrs. Tracy, when a little more assured, and a little less in awe of her servants, began to show a disposition to know by personal observation what was going on in the kitchen, and to hint broadly that there was too much waste here and expenditure there, and quite too much company at all hours of the day.

‘She didn’t propose to keep a boarding-house,’ she said, ’or to support families outside, and the old woman who came so often to the basement door with a big basket under her cloak must discontinue her calls.’

Then there occurred one of those Hibernian cyclones which sweep everything before them, and which in this instance swept Mrs. Tracy out of the kitchen for the time being, and the cook out of the house.  Her self-respect, she said, would not allow her to stay with a woman who knew just how much coal was burned, how much butter was used, and how much bread was thrown away, and who objected to giving a bite now and then to a poor old woman, who, poor as she was, had never yet been helped by the poor-master, or gone to a soup-house like my lady!

Martha’s departure was followed by that of Sarah, and then Mrs. Tracy was alone, and for a few days enjoyed herself immensely, doing her own work, cooking her own dinner, and eating it when and where she liked—­in the kitchen mostly, as that kept the flies from the dining-room, and saved her many steps, for Dolly was beginning to find that there was a vast difference between keeping a house with six rooms and one with twenty or more.

Her husband urged her to try a new servant, saying there was no necessity for her to make a slave of herself:  but she refused to listen.  Economy was a part of her nature, and besides that she meant to show them that she was perfectly independent of the whole tribe; the tribe and them referring to the hired girls alone, for she knew no one else in town.

Project Gutenberg
Tracy Park from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.