Gladys, the Reaper eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 646 pages of information about Gladys, the Reaper.

Gladys, the Reaper eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 646 pages of information about Gladys, the Reaper.

When he entered the room she was talking to his uncle, and had her back turned to the door.  He was at once greeted by Mr Gwynne and Lady Mary Nugent, so that he did not find it necessary to shake hands with every one, and made a kind of general bow, which he addressed to Miss Hall particularly, and was therefore unconscious of the half-attempt of Freda to rise from her seat as he entered.  Miss Hall, alone, saw the flush on her cheek, as she relapsed into her position by Mr Jonathan Prothero and professed to be listening to the cause of his accident.  His adventurous search after trinobites in a celebrated quarry, the slipping of a stone, and consequent spraining of his right ankle, sounded into one of her ears, whilst the following conversation, entered the other:—­

‘I hope you will give us the pleasure of your company on Tuesday,’ said Lady Mary Nugent.  ‘We shall not be a large party.’

‘And will come to us on Wednesday,’ said Mr Gwynne.  ’We must have some more chess.  I have never met with a fair opponent since—­hem—­I beg your pardon, Lady Mary—­Ah—­yes—­or, on Thursday.  You see we did not like to ask you whilst your mother was so ill; my daughter thought it would be useless.’

Rowland coloured at the allusion to Freda, but did not even glance at her.

’Thank you, Lady Mary; thank you, Mr Gwynne, very much indeed, but I intend being in London on Tuesday.  I have already outstayed my prescribed fortnight.’

‘My dear Rowland!’ exclaimed his aunt, ‘you do not mean this?’

’Yes, aunt; my fellow curate has been fortunate enough to get a living given to him, and is to read himself in next Sunday, and I have promised to take double duty.’

‘But one day more or less,’ suggested Lady Nugent, who did not imagine it possible that Rowland Prothero could refuse an invitation from her, which was, in her opinion, quite a royal command.  She, so exclusive!

’I am very much obliged to your ladyship, but I have promised to be in London on Tuesday; and as my mother is really better, there is no longer any necessity for my staying in the country.’

‘Your uncleth foot?’ suggested Miss Nugent.

’Two good dinners, and more agreeable company than you will meet with in your East End parish!’ said Colonel Vaughan.

‘My uncle will easily find help,’ said Rowland, turning to Miss Nugent, ‘although I am sorry not to be able to give him more; and,’ to Colonel Vaughan, with a smile, ’had you ever tried the far East, you would know that there is very good company there, as well as in the West.  I should be very glad to introduce you to some, if you would come and see me in town.’

‘That I certainly will,’ said the colonel, heartily; ’and I shall be able to tell you all about your sister, as I heard yesterday that her husband has finally taken my place, and will be down here as soon as it is put in first-rate order, furnished, etc.’

Project Gutenberg
Gladys, the Reaper from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.