A Country Doctor and Selected Stories and Sketches eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 534 pages of information about A Country Doctor and Selected Stories and Sketches.

A Country Doctor and Selected Stories and Sketches eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 534 pages of information about A Country Doctor and Selected Stories and Sketches.

He was somewhat attracted toward Miss Prince, the younger, for her aunt’s sake, and had made up his mind that he would be very attentive to her, no matter how displeasing and uninteresting she might be:  it was sure to be a time of trial to his old friend, and he would help all he could to make the visit as bearable as possible.  Everybody knew of the niece’s existence who had known the Prince family at all, and though Miss Prince had never mentioned the unhappy fact until the day or two before her guest was expected, her young cavalier had behaved with most excellent discretion, and feigning neither surprise nor dismay, accepted the announcement in a way that had endeared him still more to his patroness.

But on the first Sunday morning, when a most admirable young lady had walked up the broad aisle of St. Ann’s church, and Mr. Gerry had caught a glimpse of her between the rows of heads which all looked commonplace by contrast, it seemed to begin a new era of things.  This was a welcome link with the busier world outside Dunport; this was what he had missed since he had ended his college days, a gleam of cosmopolitan sunshine, which made the provincial fog less attractive than ever.  He was anxious to claim companionship with this fair citizen of a larger world, and to disclaim any idea of belonging to the humdrum little circle which exaggerated its own importance.  He persuaded himself that he must pay Miss Prince’s guest an early visit.  It was very exciting and interesting altogether; and as he watched the flicker of light in our heroine’s hair as she sat on the straight sofa in her aunt’s parlor on the Sunday evening, a feeling of great delight stole over him.  He had known many nice girls in his lifetime, but there was something uncommonly interesting about Miss Anna Prince; besides, who could help being grateful to her for being so much nicer than anybody had expected?

And so the days went by.  Nobody thought there was any objection when the junior partner of the law firm took holiday after holiday, for there was little business and Mr. Sergeant liked to keep on with his familiar routine.  His old friends came to call frequently, and they had their conferences in peace, and were not inclined to object if the younger ears were being used elsewhere.  Young people will be young people, and June weather does not always last; and if George Gerry were more devoted to social duties than to legal ones, it was quite natural, and he had just acquitted himself most honorably at the May term of court, and was his own master if he decided to take a vacation.

He had been amused when the announcement had been made so early in their acquaintance that Nan meant to study medicine.  He believed if there were any fault, it was Dr. Leslie’s, and only thought it a pity that her evident practical talents had not been under the guidance of a more sensible director.  The girl’s impetuous defense of her choice was very charming; he had often heard Mr. Sergeant speak

Project Gutenberg
A Country Doctor and Selected Stories and Sketches from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.