The Empire of Russia eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 601 pages of information about The Empire of Russia.

The Empire of Russia eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 601 pages of information about The Empire of Russia.

After inuring them to fatigue, and drilling them thoroughly in the exercises of battle, he commenced his career.  The most signal victory followed his steps, and he soon acquired the title of hero.  Ambitious, war-loving, thousands crowded to his standards, and he had but just attained the age of thirty-five when he was the undisputed monarch of all the Mogol tribes, and the whole Asiatic world trembled at the mention of his name.  He took his seat proudly upon the throne of Genghis Khan, a crown of gold was placed upon his brow, a royal girdle encircled his waist, and in accordance with oriental usage his robes glittered with jewels and gold.  At his feet were his renowned chieftains, kneeling around his throne in homage.  Tamerlane then took an oath, that by his future exploits he would justify the title he had already acquired, and that all the kings of the earth should yet lie prostrate before him.

And now commenced an incessant series of wars, and victory ever crowned the banners of Tamerlane.  He was soon in possession of all the countries on the eastern shores of the Caspian Sea.  He then entered Persia, and conquered the whole realm between the Oxus and the Tigris.  Bagdad, until now the proud capital of the caliphs, submitted to his sway.  Soon the whole region of Asia, from the Sea of Aral to the Persian Gulf, and from Teflis to the great Arabian desert, recognized the empire of Tamerlane.  The conqueror then assembled his companions in arms, and thus addressed them: 

“Friends and fellow-soldiers; fortune, who recognizes me as her child, invites us to new conquests.  The universe trembles at my name, and the movement even of one of my fingers causes the earth to quake.  The realms of India are open to us.  Woe to those who oppose my will.  I will annihilate them unless they acknowledge me as their lord.”

With flying banners and pealing trumpets he crossed the Indus, and marched upon Delhi, which for three centuries had been governed by the Mohammedan sultans. No opposition could retard the sweep of his locust legions; and the renowned city at once passed into his hands.  Indulging in no delay, the order was still onwards, and the hosts soon bathed their dusty limbs in the waves of the Ganges.  Here he was informed that Bajazet, the Grand Seignior of Turkey, was on a career of conquest which rivaled his own; that he had overrun all of Asia Minor; that, crossing the Hellespont, he had subjugated Serbia, Macedonia, Thessaly, and that he was even besieging the imperial city of Constantine.  The jealousy of Tamerlane was thoroughly aroused.  He instantly turned upon his steps to seek this foe, worthy of his arms, dispatching to him the following defiant message: 

Project Gutenberg
The Empire of Russia from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.