Desert Love eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 251 pages of information about Desert Love.

Desert Love eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 251 pages of information about Desert Love.

“Get to thy feet and make obeisance to thy mistress, who in her manifold bounty has saved this time thy worthless life.  For behold, I had planned to give my people a holiday in which to see thee whipped round the wall of thy mistress’s dwelling, until thou had died; then would thy black skin have been ripped from thy worthless carcass, and pinned to the ground before the camel paddock, so that in their goings in and coming out they would have befouled what remained of thee uneaten by the vultures.”

And taking Jill’s hand he crossed the square, leaving the eunuch absolutely gibbering with relief.

Through a massive iron door they passed into the house, Jill exclaiming softly at the beauty of the place.  Room after room they traversed until they came to a standstill before a satin curtain.  Hahmed lifted it and Jill entered a great room, the floor of which was of pink marble, covered in Persian rugs, their colouring softened in the passing of many, oh! many moons; the walls panelled in soft brocade, and great mirrors reflecting the simplicity of the exquisite hangings, the tint of flowers, the statuary gleaming half hidden in the corners, the great chairs, the piles of cushions, and the swinging lamps suspended from the ceiling by silver chains.

“I will explain, O! woman, how this house has been built, though verily would I have had your help in these past months, for how was I to know in what or which your desires lay.

“Behold, the rooms upon the level of the ground are rooms for your repasts, and rooms for receiving your guests; above are the rooms for your slumber, and your toilet, for the bathing of your white body, and for your entertainment.  In the latter you will find all that appertains to music, to the dance, to the study of books, to the flash of the needle.  Above again are the rooms open to the breezes of the night, screened by light screens to enable you, unveiled, to look out upon the world, and yet keep you hidden from the curious eyes of your many slaves who, under the rule of black Mustapha, live within the walls and near to hand to do your slightest bidding, but hidden until you call so as not to disturb you by their unseemly presence.  They may not die within the wall, neither may they give birth therein, still less may they make merry without your permission.  The slightest breach of your laws will see them flogged to death and cast out into the desert sand.  One suite of rooms is pink, and one white, and one is palest heliotrope, and yet another black, and there are many others.  May it find favour in your eyes.  If perchance it pleases not, then shall it be razed to the ground, and rebuilt upon your design.”

And Jill had walked through a building such as she had not dreamed of in her wildest fantasies, and having very sweetly thanked the Arab, had clapped her hands, and being of perverse mood, had indifferently bidden him good night, and entered the rose pink sleeping-room where the couch had been designed by love, and the colouring reflected by the great mirrors by passion; to slip from out her perfumed raiment, and step down into the pink marble Roman bath and hide beneath the rose-tinted waters, the rose-tinted glory of her perfect body.

Project Gutenberg
Desert Love from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.