Mathilda eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 171 pages of information about Mathilda.
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Mathilda eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 171 pages of information about Mathilda.

[11] This paragraph is an elaboration of the description of her aunt’s coldness as found in F of F—­B.  There is only one sentence in F of F—­A.

[12] The description of Mathilda’s love of nature and of animals is elaborated from both rough drafts.  The effect, like that of the preceding addition (see note 11), is to emphasize Mathilda’s loneliness.  For the theme of loneliness in Mary Shelley’s work, see Nitchie, Mary Shelley, pp. 13-17.

[13] This paragraph is a revision of F of F—­B, which is fragmentary.  There is nothing in F of F—­A and only one scored-out sentence in S-R fr.  None of the rough drafts tells of her plans to join her father.

[14] The final paragraph in Chapter II is entirely new.

[15] The account of the return of Mathilda’s father is very slightly revised from that in F of F—­A. F of F—­B has only a few fragmentary sentences, scored out.  It resumes with the paragraph beginning, “My father was very little changed.”

[16] Symbolic of Mathilda’s subsequent life.

[17] Illusion, or the Trances of Nourjahad, a melodrama, was performed at Drury Lane, November 25, 1813.  It was anonymous, but it was attributed by some reviewers to Byron, a charge which he indignantly denied.  See Byron, Letters and Journals, ed. by Rowland E. Prothero (6 vols.  London:  Murray, 1902-1904), II, 288.

[18] This paragraph is in F of F—­B but not in F of F—­A.  In the margin of the latter, however, is written:  “It was not of the tree of knowledge that I ate for no evil followed—­it must be of the tree of life that grows close beside it or—­“.  Perhaps this was intended to go in the preceding paragraph after “My ideas were enlarged by his conversation.”  Then, when this paragraph was added, the figure, noticeably changed, was included here.

[19] Here the MS of F of F—­B breaks off to resume only with the meeting of Mathilda and Woodville.

[20] At the end of the story (p. 79) Mathilda says, “Death is too terrible an object for the living.”  Mary was thinking of the deaths of her two children.

[21] Mary had read the story of Cupid and Psyche in Apuleius in 1817 and she had made an Italian translation, the MS of which is now in the Library of Congress.  See Journal, pp. 79, 85-86.

[22] The end of this paragraph gave Mary much trouble.  In F of F—­A after the words, “my tale must,” she develops an elaborate figure:  “go with the stream that hurries on—­& now was this stream precipitated by an overwhelming fall from the pleasant vallies through which it wandered—­down hideous precipieces to a desart black & hopeless—­“.  This, the original ending of the chapter, was scored out, and a new, simplified version which, with some deletions and changes, became that used in Mathilda was written in the margins of two pages (ff. 57, 58).  This revision is a good example of Mary’s frequent improvement of her style by the omission of purple patches.

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Mathilda from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.