The Child's World eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 134 pages of information about The Child's World.

The Child's World eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 134 pages of information about The Child's World.

dan ger:  risk. de li cious:  pleasing to the taste. de nied:  disowned. depths:  deep part of sea. de stroy:  break up; kill. dis tress:  suffering of mind. dock:  a place between piers where vessels may anchor.  Don al (D~on’ al):  an Irish lad. dor mouse (dor mous’):  a small animal that looks like a squirrel. drought (drout):  want of water. dub:  call. dumps:  low spirits.

eaves:  overhanging lower edges of a roof. em bers:  smouldering ashes. em per or:  ruler of an empire. em press:  wife of an emperor; a female ruler. en chant ed:  bewitched. en e my:  foe. es tab lish:  to found. ex act ly:  completely. ex haust ed:  tired, worn out. ex tend ing:  reaching.

fam ine:  scarcity of food. fes ti val:  a time of feasting. flax:  a slender plant with blue flowers, used to make thread and cloth. fol ly:  foolishness. foot man:  a man servant. forge:  a place with its furnace where metal is heated and hammered into
    different shapes.
fra grance:  sweetness. free dom:  independence, liberty.

gauz y:  like gauze, thin.  Got ham (Got am):  a village in Old England, commonly called G=o tham. grate ful:  thankful. groom:  a servant in charge of horses. guard:  one that guards; a watch.

hail ing:  calling. har bor:  a protected body of water where vessels may anchor safely. haught y:  proud. her ald:  a messenger.  Ho ang ti (H=o ang tee):  an emperor of China. hoar y:  white. horse-chest nut:  a tree. hu man:  like men. hu mor:  mood, disposition.

in no cent:  guiltless. in spect:  examine. in stant ly:  at once. in vent ed:  made.

jest:  joke. ju ni per:  an evergreen, tree. jus tice:  right treatment.

king dom:  country belonging to king or queen. kirk:  church. knight:  a mounted man-at-arms.

lad en:  loaded. la ment ed:  wailed, wept. lin en:  thread or cloth made of flax. lodge:  dwelling place; wigwam. loom:  a machine for weaving threads into cloth. lus cious:  delicious.

Man i tou (too):  a name given by the Indians to the “Great Spirit,” or God. marsh es:  swamps. mer cy:  pity, kindness. min is ter:  a pastor, a clergyman. mis for tune:  bad fortune. moc ca sin:  Indian shoes. moor:  to secure in place, as a vessel:  a great tract of waste land. moult ed:  shed feathers.

no bles:  lords. nurs er y:  play room for children.

o blige:  do a favor. o rang ou tang:  a kind of ape. or der ly:  regular; in order.

page:  a youth training for knighthood. pas try (p=as):  article of food made with crust of paste (or dough) as a
peas ant (p~es):  a tiller of the soil. pe can:  a kind of nut.  Pe kin duck:  a large, creamy white duck. pest:  a nuisance.  Phi le mon (F=i l=e’ mon):  a Greek peasant. pil lar:  a support. pin ing:  drooping; longing. pound:  a piece of English money, equal to about $5.00 in United States
prai rie:  an extensive tract of level or rolling land.

Project Gutenberg
The Child's World from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.