Famous Modern Ghost Stories eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 346 pages of information about Famous Modern Ghost Stories.

Famous Modern Ghost Stories eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 346 pages of information about Famous Modern Ghost Stories.

I am no coward, and am possessed of considerable physical strength.  The suddenness of the attack, instead of stunning me, strung every nerve to its highest tension.  My body acted from instinct, before my brain had time to realize the terrors of my position.  In an instant I wound two muscular arms around the creature, and squeezed it, with all the strength of despair, against my chest.  In a few seconds the bony hands that had fastened on my throat loosened their hold, and I was free to breathe once more.  Then commenced a struggle of awful intensity.  Immersed in the most profound darkness, totally ignorant of the nature of the Thing by which I was so suddenly attacked, finding my grasp slipping every moment, by reason, it seemed to me, of the entire nakedness of my assailant, bitten with sharp teeth in the shoulder, neck, and chest, having every moment to protect my throat against a pair of sinewy, agile hands, which my utmost efforts could not confine,—­these were a combination of circumstances to combat which required all the strength, skill, and courage that I possessed.

At last, after a silent, deadly, exhausting struggle, I got my assailant under by a series of incredible efforts of strength.  Once pinned, with my knee on what I made out to be its chest, I knew that I was victor.  I rested for a moment to breathe.  I heard the creature beneath me panting in the darkness, and felt the violent throbbing of a heart.  It was apparently as exhausted as I was; that was one comfort.  At this moment I remembered that I usually placed under my pillow, before going to bed, a large yellow silk pocket handkerchief.  I felt for it instantly; it was there.  In a few seconds more I had, after a fashion, pinioned the creature’s arms.

I now felt tolerably secure.  There was nothing more to be done but to turn on the gas, and, having first seen what my midnight assailant was like, arouse the household.  I will confess to being actuated by a certain pride in not giving the alarm before; I wished to make the capture alone and unaided.

Never losing my hold for an instant, I slipped from the bed to the floor, dragging my captive with me.  I had but a few steps to make to reach the gas-burner; these I made with the greatest caution, holding the creature in a grip like a vice.  At last I got within arm’s length of the tiny speck of blue light which told me where the gas-burner lay.  Quick as lightning I released my grasp with one hand and let on the full flood of light.  Then I turned to look at my captive.

I cannot even attempt to give any definition of my sensations the instant after I turned on the gas.  I suppose I must have shrieked with terror, for in less than a minute afterward my room was crowded with the inmates of the house.  I shudder now as I think of that awful moment. I saw nothing!  Yes; I had one arm firmly clasped round a breathing, panting, corporeal shape, my other hand gripped with all its strength a throat as warm, as apparently fleshy, as my own; and yet, with this living substance in my grasp, with its body pressed against my own, and all in the bright glare of a large jet of gas, I absolutely beheld nothing!  Not even an outline,—­a vapor!

Project Gutenberg
Famous Modern Ghost Stories from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.