Handy Dictionary of Poetical Quotations eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 261 pages of information about Handy Dictionary of Poetical Quotations.

Handy Dictionary of Poetical Quotations eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 261 pages of information about Handy Dictionary of Poetical Quotations.

Artist, in framing an, 111.

Aspect, with grave, he rose, 112.

Aspiration lifts him from the earth, 113.

Assurance double sure, I’ll make, 114.

Asters, purple, nod, 130.

Atheist, by night an, half believes a God, 115.

Athena, august, 116.

Athens, the eye of Greece, 117

Attachment to the well-known place, 914.

Attempt and not the deed, 118.

Auburn, sweet, 2003.

August round her precious gifts is flinging, 121.

Aurora, fair daughter of the dawn, 122.

Author, no, ever spared a brother, 124.

Authority, drest in a little brief, 126.

Authors steal their works, 123.

Autumn in the misty morn, 131.
  succeeds, a sober, tepid age, 1610.
  who may paint thee, 128.
  wins you best, 129.

Avarice, a good old-gentlemanly vice, 133.
  creeping on, 409.
  old men sicken of, 134.

Awkward, embarrassed, stiff, 135.

Bacchus with pink eyne, 2006.

Backward, turn backward, 313.

Balances, Jove lifts the golden, 136.

Ball, I saw her at a county, 137.

Banishment, bitter bread of, 138.

Banner with the strange device, 141.

Banners, all thy, wave, 142.
  hang out our, 140.

Bard, blind, on Chian strand, 143.

Bark, fatal and perfidious, 456.

Battle line, our far-flung, 744.
  rages loud and long, 149.
  who in life’s, 194.

Beams athwart the sea, 151.

Bear, rugged Russian, 414.

Beard, his tawny, 153.
  was as white as snow, 152.

Beast, that wants discourse of reason, 154.

Beauty, a thing of, is a joy, 159.
  cost her nothing, 658.
  draws us with a single hair, 162.
  dwells in deep retreats, 163
  is a vain and doubtful good, 156.
  is its own excuse, 161.
  needs not the flourish of praise, 155.
  stands in the admiration, 157.

Bed, in, we laugh, 164.
  the, was made, 258.

Bees, murmuring of innumerable, 166.

Beggars, mounted, 167.
  when, die, 168.

Beggary, impotent and snail-paced, 524.

Behavior, upon his good, 169.

Belial, sons of, 170.

Bell, merry as a marriage, 651.
  the Sabbath, 1546.

Bells, mellow wedding, 173.
  ring out, wild, 172.
  those evening, 171.

Bethlehem, hail to the king of, 321.

Birds in their little nests, 672.

Birth is but a sleep, 178.

Birthday, a day that rose, 180.

Bivouac of the dead, 181.

Blasphemy in the soldier, 182.

Blessedness, dies in single, 283.

Blessings brighten as they take their flight, 184.
  wait on virtuous deeds, 185.

Blind among enemies, 187.

Bliss which centres in the mind, 189.

Project Gutenberg
Handy Dictionary of Poetical Quotations from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.