Origin of the Anglo-Boer War Revealed (2nd ed.) eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 140 pages of information about Origin of the Anglo-Boer War Revealed (2nd ed.).

Origin of the Anglo-Boer War Revealed (2nd ed.) eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 140 pages of information about Origin of the Anglo-Boer War Revealed (2nd ed.).

The Afrikaner Bond has as final object what is summed up in its motto of “Afrika voor de Afrikaners."[8] The whole of South Africa belongs by just right to the Afrikaner nation.  It is the privilege and duty of every Afrikaner to contribute all in his power towards the expulsion of the English usurper.  The States of South Africa to be federated in one independent Republic.

The Afrikaner Bond prepares for this consummation.

Argument in justification:—­

(a) The transfer of the Cape Colony to the British Government took place by circumstances of force majeure and without the consent of the Dutch nation, who renounce all claim in favour of the Afrikaner or Boer nation.

(b) Natal is territory which accrued to a contingent of the Boer nation by purchase from the Zulu King, who received the consideration agreed for.

(c) The British authorities expelled the rightful owners from Natal by force of arms without just cause.

The task of the Afrikaner Bond consists in:—­

(a) Procuring the staunch adhesion and co-operation of every Afrikaner and other real friend of the cause.

(b) To obtain the sympathy, the moral and effective aid of one or more of the world’s Powers.

The means to accomplish those tasks are:—­

Personal persuasion, Press propaganda, legislation and diplomacy.

The direction of the application of those means is entrusted to a select body of members eligible for their loyalty to the cause and their abilities and position.  That body will conduct such measures as need the observance of special secrecy.  Upon the rest of the members will devolve activities of a general character under the direction of the selected chiefs.

One of the indispensable requisites is the proper organization of an effective fund, which is to be regularly sustained.  Bond members will aid each other in all relations of public life in preference to non-members.

In the efforts of gaining adherents to the cause it is of importance to distinguish three categories of persons—­

(1) The class of Afrikaners who are to some extent deteriorated by assimilative influences with the English race, whose restoration to patriotism will need great efforts, discretion, and patience.

(2)The apparently unthinking and apathetic class, who prefer to relegate all initiative to leaders whom they will loyally follow.  This class is the most numerous by far.

(3) The warmly patriotic class, including men gifted with intelligence, energy, and speech, qualified as leaders and apt to exercise influence over the rest.

Among those three classes many exist whose views and religious scruples need to be corrected.  Scripture abounds in proofs and salient analogies applying to the situation and justifying our cause.  In this, as well as in other directions, the members who work in circulating written propaganda will supply the correct and conclusive arguments accessible to all.

Project Gutenberg
Origin of the Anglo-Boer War Revealed (2nd ed.) from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.