The Aldine, Vol. 5, No. 1., January, 1872 eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 107 pages of information about The Aldine, Vol. 5, No. 1., January, 1872.

The Aldine, Vol. 5, No. 1., January, 1872 eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 107 pages of information about The Aldine, Vol. 5, No. 1., January, 1872.


Adirondack Scenery G.H.  Smillie 97
Advance in Winter, The 236
After the Storm Schenck 231
After the Storm a Calm. (I, II, III, IV,) 244
Agnes R.E.  Piguet 112
Albai, View on the River 183
American Robin, The Gilbert Burling 227
Artistic Evening, An 248
At Home 239
Ausable, Morning on the G.H.  Smillie 41

Babes in the Wood, The John S. Davis 222
Badger Hunting L.  Beckmann 226
Blood Money Victor Nehlig 190
Blowing Hot and Cold John S. Davis 142
Blowing Rock R.E.  Piguet 57
Blue-Birds Gilbert Burling 163
Bonnie Brook, near Rahway R.E.  Piguet 112
Bridal Veil Granville Perkins 154
Bridge of Sighs, The (View of) 13
Bridge of Sighs (Hood’s) Georgie A. Davis 49
Building of the Ship, The T.  Beech 89

Capella Imperfeita, Archway in the 44
Casa do Capitulo, The 224
Casa do Capitulo, Window in the 46
Castle of Meran, The. (Frontispiece) C.  Heyn.  Opp. 189
Caught At Last 238
Cedar Birds Gilbert Burling 85
Chase, After the David Neal 219
Christmas Visitors Guido Hammer 231
Coming Out of School Vautier 12
Crossing the Moor After F.F.  Hill 228

December and May W.H.  Davenport 146
Death Chase, The 236
Deer Family, The Guido Hammer 106

Enjoyment 241
Evening Paul Dixon 205
Evening 243
Evenings at Home A.E.  Emslie 77
Exquisite Moment, An John S. Davis 93

Fashionable Loungers of Lima 24
Feast of the Passover, The Oppenheim 64
Feast of the Tabernacles, The Oppenheim 65
Fisherman’s Family, The 239
Forester’s Happy Family at Dinner, The Guido Hammer 167
Forester’s Last Coming Home, The 56
For the Master Offterdinger (Opp.) 236

Garden, In the Arthur Lumley 138
Gertrude of Wyoming Victor Nehlig 117
Glen, The F.T.  Vance 194
God’s Acre 232
Gondar, Emperor’s Palace at 186
Good Bye, Sweetheart 233
Grandfather Mountain, N.C. R.E.  Piguet 215
Green River August Will 69
Green River R.E.  Piguet 72
Green River R.E.  Piguet 73
Guide-Board, The Knesing 230
Gypsy Girl at her Toilette G.  Dore 166

Happy Valley R.E.  Piguet 53
Heart of a Hero, The. (Kosciusko’s Monument) 113
Here.  Chick!  Chick! 240
Hollo! John S. Davis 191
House Wrens Gilbert Burling 105
How a Spaniard Drinks Dore 86
Hudson at Hyde Park, The G.H.  Smillie 81

In-Doors 243
Infant Jesus, The Copied by J.S.  Davis 229
“Is the solace of age.” 247
“It ofttimes happens that a child” 245

Project Gutenberg
The Aldine, Vol. 5, No. 1., January, 1872 from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.