Sex and Society eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 234 pages of information about Sex and Society.

Sex and Society eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 234 pages of information about Sex and Society.

[Footnote 196:  No notice is here taken of the moral content of forms of worship, since religious practices are to be regarded as reflections of social practices.  Morality springs from human activity, and religious belief consists in positing human traits in spirits; but it is impossible to find in religious practice an element which did not before exist in human practice.  Religion and art have a philosophical and an ideal side, and their representations may be regarded as more perfect and valid than the human models on which they are based, but the ground-patterns of both religion and art are those of human experience.]

[Footnote 197:  J. Shooter, The Kafirs of Natal and the Zulu Country, p. 102.]

[Footnote 198:  Major J. Butler, Travels and Adventures in Assam, p. 88.]

[Footnote 199:  Jones, History of the Ojibway Indians, p. 57.]

[Footnote 200:  Von Seidlitz, “Ethnographische Rundschau,” Internationales Archiv fuer Ethnographie, 1890, p. 136.]

[Footnote 201:  Doughty, Travels in Arabia Deserta, p. 360.]

[Footnote 202:  Cf.  R. Steinmetz, “Endokannibalismus,” Mittheilungen der anthropologischen Gesellschaft in Wien, Vol.  XXVI.]

[Footnote 203:  Odyssey (translated by Butcher and Lang), i, 260.]

[Footnote 204:  F. Mason, “On the Dwellings Works of Art, Laws, etc., of the Karens,” Journal of the Asiatic Society of Bengal, 1868, p. 149.]

[Footnote 205:  Bonwick, Daily Life of the Tasmanians, p. 75.]

[Footnote 206:  Ibid., p. 74.]

[Footnote 207:  Highlands of Central India, p. 149.]

[Footnote 208:  T. Williams, Fiji and the Fijians, p. 201.]

[Footnote 209:  Owen, Transactions of the Ethnological Society, New Series, Vol.  II, p. 35.]

[Footnote 210:  Lewis and Clarke, loc. cit., Vol.  I, p. 421.]

[Footnote 211:  The theories of Lubbock, Spencer, Tylor, Kohler, Huth, and Morgan are criticized by Westermarck, History of Human Marriage, pp. 311-19.]

[Footnote 212:  Cf.  Ploss, Das Weib, 3.  Aufl., Vol.  I, pp. 313ff.]

[Footnote 213:  Westermarck, History of Human Marriage, pp. 213ff.]

[Footnote 214:  Danks, “Marriage Customs of the New Britain Group,” Journal of the Anthropological Institute, Vol.  XVIII, p. 281.]

[Footnote 215:  Ploss, loc. cit., Vol.  I, p. 150.]

[Footnote 216:  The evidence in this paper will bear chiefly on Australia, both because the natives are in a very primitive condition, and because the customs of the aborigines have been very fully reported by a large number of competent observers.]

[Footnote 217:  Spencer and Gillen, The Native Tribes of Central Australia, p. 558.]

[Footnote 218:  The Australian Race, Vol.  I, p. 110.]

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Sex and Society from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.