Valere Aude eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 346 pages of information about Valere Aude.

Valere Aude eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 346 pages of information about Valere Aude.

(c).  The skin, being exposed to all external influences, discloses the symptoms of all forms of skin disease, the names of which are legion.

The skin specialist termed “dermatologist” is another production which flourishes—­more or less—­upon the ignorance of the public.  The patient, alas, is less fortunate.  He tries one after another until disgusted he sometimes resorts to special diet.  Sometimes this may help, if he choose a certain kind of vegetable diet, and especially if the vegetables are such as contain a great deal of silica; for silica is the mineral basis of skin tissue.  Full details of this are to be found in my analysis of foodstuffs given in the chart at the end of volume No.  I of my work, “Regeneration.”

(d). Dose:  One gram or one-fourth of a heaping teaspoonful of dermogen in a little water or milk once a day until regeneration of the skin is fairly started.  Reduce the dose gradually until complete recovery has been accomplished.


(a).  All blood and lymphatic vessels, the alveoli of the lungs, all tendons and cords in the entire system, the bowel tract, including the stomach, the bladder, and in fact every organ or tissue which has the function of expanding and contracting, must be of healthy gelatigenous (rubber-like) tissue; otherwise it cannot perform its functions in the system and must degenerate.

(b).  Gelatinogen contains the constituent elements of gelatine, which it carries, through the blood, to the parts of the body where it is needed to rebuild degenerated gelatigenous tissue.

(c).  While there are not many special forms of disease of the gelatigenous tissues, many diseased conditions are more or less connected with its degeneration.  In fact, every layman should be able to judge the importance of perfect gelatigenous tissue.  But how many human beings ever think of such things.  Yet they know very well that a poor rubber tire on an automobile will not last very long or stand much strain; for the fact appeals to the pocket book—­and that degenerates.

It is well to learn the truth before too late and give, to the rising generation at least, the chance to which they are surely entitled:—­A good healthy body.

(d). Dose:  Twice daily, 1 gram or one-fourth of a heaping teaspoonful, or one tablet, at 10 a.m. and 4 p.m., or as individually prescribed, in a little water, milk or other foodstuffs, to be taken for a certain length of time.


(a).  Every bone in the human system must be covered with cartilage at its ends so as to prevent self-destruction through friction, especially in the joints.

(b).  Cartilogen consists of all the necessary constituents of this important material, and under certain circumstances it must be introduced in this concentrated form, as for instance when the general diet is unable to counteract the influences of disease which tends to degenerate the cartilage and subjects the body to the great suffering which the absence of cartilage invariably produces.

Project Gutenberg
Valere Aude from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.