Valere Aude eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 346 pages of information about Valere Aude.

Valere Aude eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 346 pages of information about Valere Aude.

Lime-water and such imaginary substitutes are pure nonsense, as must surely be apparent to even the simplest layman when they consider for a moment that it takes seven different lime compositions in order to supply the necessary lime for generating bone tissue.  Is it necessary to say more to convince even a dogmatist?  How indispensable osseogen becomes may be realized when people begin to know enough about themselves to realize that our bone structure must be “fireproof” in order to last for the normal span of human life!

(d). Dose:  Once or twice daily, according to the individual case. 1 gram will be sufficient for a proper dose.  As stated before, one-fourth of a heaping teaspoonful is equal to a gram.

It may be that in a short while I shall be able to supply all these compositions in tablet form in their respective doses.  Then medication will become still more simple.  This composition may also be taken in food or a little water.


(a).  The term muscle signifies every organ of the human body which, by contraction, produces the movements of the organism.  Muscles are of the greatest variety and strength, but all consist of the same chemical elements, and can be regenerated in case of disease, like every other organ, by feeding the patient with the chemical substances which the muscle cells require.

(b).  Into this composition I have introduced the components necessary for muscle tissue.

The basis of this form of cell-food is potassium phosphate.  It will regenerate all muscular tissue when used as directed.  All minerals contained therein are organized and in a perfectly digestible and assimilable form.  Even an infant can easily digest it.  It will prevent all decompositions of the muscular system and regenerate the cells as long as any basis for life is left.

(c).  As it is impossible for even the healthiest system to build up new tissue without the necessary proportion of albumen, it becomes very important to use the right proportion and form of this component.  Therefore, all patients who are in need of this special tissue builder, must at the same time take the main composition, Eubiogen (life producer).  Under No.  XII, I will endeavor to give the reader some little idea of its properties, and describe its marvelous regenerating powers.

(d). Dose:  1 gram, or one-fourth of a heaping teaspoonful once or twice daily will be sufficient.  It may have to be taken for 3, 6, 9 or 12 months, and even longer.  Everything depends upon the cause of the degeneration of the muscle tissue.


(a).  The entire intestines, the stomach, all cavities, organs, openings of the body, the genital and urinary tracts, etc., are lined with mucous membrane, which must always be kept in a normal and healthy condition, otherwise the functions of metabolism and procreation of the organism cannot be carried on in safety and health.

Project Gutenberg
Valere Aude from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.