Valere Aude eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 346 pages of information about Valere Aude.

Valere Aude eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 346 pages of information about Valere Aude.
anaemia.  When it affects girls with all kinds of disturbances in menstruation, perverting their appetite and causing a greenish color of the skin, it is called “chlorosis.”  If the symptoms are the destruction of the lymphatic glands, so often noticed in children said to be hereditarily affected, we speak of “Scrofulosis.”  When erroneous composition of the blood, produced by poor living and unsanitary environment, causes destruction of the lungs or of certain bones or tissues, the name “tuberculosis” indicates that the decaying condition of the affected tissues results in producing numerous tubercle bacilli.  In the many cases in which the destruction is even more widespread, attacking the skin, bones, brain and other tissues or organs, and where the decomposing poison, if not hereditary, has entered the blood by way of sexual intercourse, the ominous word “syphilis” indicates the resulting blood disease.  When the weakened tissues, which are not sufficiently fed with the elements they need for their normal existence, cannot resist the developing power of the phosphates prevalent in the blood, the much dreaded malign “cancer growths” appear.

The destructions wrought by dysaemia in these various forms, cannot be fully described in this brief abstract.  They can all be reduced, arrested and forced to give place to healthy regeneration by the hygienic-dietetic healing system.  In each case, however, the possibility of cure will depend entirely on the degree of decomposition which has been reached.  If the trouble is from hereditary tendency it is obviously harder to fight, and a long regenerative treatment may be anticipated.  If attacked at an early stage, complete restoration to health is possible in a comparatively short period.

The most careful and thorough investigation by the physician must precede any treatment.  It is his task to prescribe accordingly, with the development of the disease and its gradual disappearance.

The simultaneous direct and indirect affection of various tissues, especially of the lymphatics, will necessitate more complicated application of the various nutritive compositions.


Diet:  I. For the Anaemic.

All that grows in the sunshine makes blood.  Therefore, the food of an anaemic person should consist mainly of articles of diet which grow above the surface, such as green vegetables, fresh greens, fruit, berries.  Since the blood has already grown very thin, as little fluid as possible should be taken, and for this reason the boasted milk cures are far from advisable.  If all hot reasoning is avoided and little salt and sugar are used, no thirst will be felt.  Coffee, tea, beer, wine and other alcoholic drinks are to be avoided because they consume oxygen, such as also do thin soups, lemonade, malt coffee, and other beverages of slight food value.

Breakfast:  In summer, a glass of cold milk, sweet or sour, and with it strawberries, huckleberries, cherries, or other fruit in season; in winter milk or cocoa, oatmeal porridge with bread (whole wheat, whole rye), or something similar.  When the bowels are sluggish, take a little fruit on rising in the morning and at bedtime.

Project Gutenberg
Valere Aude from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.