History of Holland eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 626 pages of information about History of Holland.

History of Holland eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 626 pages of information about History of Holland.

Cook’s strait, 164

Coornheert, Dirk Volkertz, 191

Copenhagen, 230 f.

Coromandel, 165, 320

Council of State, powers and functions of, 110 f.

Council-pensionaries, powers and functions of,
  116 f.

Coursier des Pays Bas, the, 391

Courtrai, 40, 245, 290, 309

Crecy, battle of, 1

Cromwell, 163, 215, 218-224, 229, 234, 236

Cuba, 170

Culemberg, Count of, 36 f., 44

Cultivation-system, 415 f., 430, 432

Cumberland, Duke of, 309, 311 f.

Curacoa, 276, 323, 327

Cuyp, Albert, 200

D’Affry, French ambassador, 317 ff.

D’Allegne, Marquis, 290

D’Alphonse, Baron, 361

D’Argenson, French minister, 310 f.

D’Avaux, French ambassador, 266, 268, 272

D’Avila, Sancho, 59, 66, 106

D’Ellougue, 385

D’Estrades, Count, 203, 208, 232 f., 265

D’Estrees, 252, 259, 278

D’Hoogvoort, Baron Emmanuel, 391-395

D’Hoogvoort, Baron Joseph, 393

D’Oultremont, Countess Henriette, 405

D’Ursel, Duke, 378

Daendels, General, 341 f., 344 f., 347, 350-353, 364

Dale, Sir Thomas, 161

Danube, the, 288

Danzig, 25, 229

David, son of Philip the Good and Bishop of Utrecht, 2,

Davis’ straits, 124

De Beaufort, Admiral, 239, 241

De Beauharnais, Hortense, 356, 360 f.

De Berg, Count, 144 f.

De Breze, French commander, 149

De Celles, prefet, 361, 381

De Cocq, preacher, 407

De Costa, Calvinistic leader, 407

De Fenelon, French ambassador, 307, 309

De Foere, Abbe, 384 f.

De Gerlache, Catholic leader, 385

De Graeff, governor of St Eustatius, 323

De Groot, pensionary, 131-136, 142 f.

De Haan, pensionary, 131

De Haas, artist, 432

De Hembyze, Calvinist leader, 73

De Heze, Baron, 65

De Klundert, 341

De la Vauguyon, Duke, 323 f.

De la Ville, Abbe, 311

De Laet, historian, 166

De Larrey, Count, 310

De Maulde, French ambassador, 341

De Mean, Count, 380 f.

De Meester, ministry of, 427

De Mist, leader of the federalists, 349

De Nemours, Duc, 397 f.

De Neufville, 320

De Neve, printer, 387

De Perponcher, envoy, 365

De Rosne, Seigneur, 94

De Ryhove, Calvinist leader, 73

De Standaart, prefet, 361

De Verac, Count, 332

De Vries, Admiral, 241

De Vrij Temminck, 323

De With, Cornelisz Witte, Vice-Admiral, 152, 182 f.,
  217, 219 f., 230

Project Gutenberg
History of Holland from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.