Epilepsy, Hysteria, and Neurasthenia eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 136 pages of information about Epilepsy, Hysteria, and Neurasthenia.

Epilepsy, Hysteria, and Neurasthenia eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 136 pages of information about Epilepsy, Hysteria, and Neurasthenia.
childhood, 16 ——­ ——­, its relative frequency 15 Phenalgin for post-epileptic headache, 29 Phosphorus preparations, 96 Piles, 70 Port wine in proprietary preparations, 93 Predigested foods, 94, 95 Pregnancy, Convulsions during, 14 ——­ in relation to epilepsy, 17, 22 Psycho-analysis in the treatment of hysteria, 40 Puberty, Bodily changes at, 109 ——­, Dangers at and after, 109-114 ——­ in relation to epilepsy, 16, 18, 114 Punishment, Corporal, unsuited for nervous children, 105, 106 Pupils in epilepsy, The, 17 Purgatives, The abuse of, 69 ——­, Suitable, 70

  QUACK Advertisements, 91, 111

  READING for neuropaths, 48
  Recovery in epilepsy, 19
  Recreations for neuropaths, 117
  Reid on the effect of emotions on bodily functions, 81
  Religion, Question of, in nervous children, 106-108
  Rest for neuropaths, 49, 50
  Responsibility in relation to mental epilepsy, 9, 10

SANATOGEN, 96 Savill on differences between neurasthenia and hysteria, 41 Self-abuse See “Masturbation” Self control, how far possible to neuropaths, 123-125 Self-restraint, The neuropath’s lack of, 129, 130 Sentimentality to be discouraged in nervous children, 104 Sex education, The need for, 131 Sex-incidence in epilepsy, 18 Sex instruction for children, 110, 112 Sexual development early in neuropaths, 113, 114 ——­ excesses in relation to epilepsy, 16, 23 ——­ ——­ in relation to neurasthenia, 31, 38 ——­ instinct, Awakening of, 109, 110 ——­ neurasthenia, 38 ——­ offences as manifestations of mental epilepsy, 9, 10 ——­ rules for neuropaths, 48 Shaw, Bernard, his sneer at marriage, 131 Sleep, Relation of, to epileptic fit, 4 Sleeplessness, 76-78 ——­, Causes of, 76, 77 ——­, Treatment of, 77, 78, 85 ——­ in neurasthenia, 33 Sollmann on proprietary foods, 94, 96 Soothing syrups, 13 “Sound nerves”, 52 Spirit writing, 11, 12 Spiritualism, Danger of, for neuropaths, 107 Spratling on epilepsy in consumptives, 17 Starr’s statistics as to age-incidence in epilepsy, 17 ——­ ——­ heredity in epileptics, 121 ——­ ——­ types of epilepsy, 15 Status epilepticus, 7 ——­ ——­, as final termination of epilepsy, 16 Subconscious mind, The, 10 Suggestion treatment, 82-85 Suicide in neurasthenics and hysterical subjects, 35, 41, 42 Sunstroke as cause of fits, 21 Sweetmeats, The use of, 64 Sympathy, Harm done by, in hysteria, 44, 45
TAPE worms, 102 Tea and coffee, 64 Teeth, Care of the, 54, 55 Tobacco undesirable for neuropaths, 74 Trades for epileptics, 116 ——­ ——­ neuropaths, 115-117 Turner on age-incidence of epilepsy, 18

  UNCONSCIOUS activities, 39, 40
  Unconsciousness in epilepsy, 3-5
  Urine, Incontinence of, in epilepsy, 3-5

  VEGETABLE Foods, 64
  Villi, The intestinal, 57
  Vittoz’s exercises in mental concentration, 51
  Vomiting, Risk of, in epilepsy, 26

WATER, When to drink, 61, 64, 68 Weir Mitchell Treatment, 50 Wife for the neuropath, The, 132-135 ——­ of a neuropath, Advice to the, 132-137 Will, Neuropath’s lacking in, 125 Work and play, 115-117 Worms, Intestinal, 102 Worry as cause of neurasthenia, 31 ——­ to be avoided by neuropaths, 47, 49

Printed in Great Britain by Jarrold & Sons, Ltd., Norwich

Project Gutenberg
Epilepsy, Hysteria, and Neurasthenia from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.