Rebuilding Britain eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 198 pages of information about Rebuilding Britain.

Rebuilding Britain eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 198 pages of information about Rebuilding Britain.

4.  Reform the War Office.[9] Reconsider the constitution and procedure of courts martial, and provide for really judicial inquiry into grievances.  Revive and use the Territorial system.

5.  Complete the arrangements for adequate pensions and develop means for giving such technical training and providing such openings for work as will enable partially disabled men to earn comfortable subsistence in addition.

6.  Provide permanent homes and sanatoria for those who are more seriously injured, and find suitable light employment for those who can undertake it.

7.  Arrange the best places and provide proper training for discharged soldiers and sailors (and others) who may be willing to settle on the land.

8.  Consider how to restore the discharged men to their former places or accustomed work, and how to meet the needs of the temporary workers who will be displaced.

9.  Curtail the vast expenditure on the departments organised for War work, reducing the staffs and finding other work for those who must be discharged.  Dispense altogether with some of the new Ministries.  The question of employment for women after the War will be most urgent.

10.  Organise and correlate the various departments so as to secure more efficiency, and so assign and arrange the work of each as to avoid circumlocution, friction and waste.

11.  Reconstitute the Cabinet on clearer lines, and let competence for the work of each department, instead of recognition of party services, be the guide in appointing the Minister responsible for each.

12.  Reform the procedure of the House of Commons to check verbosity and facilitate business.[10] Delegate certain powers and duties.

13.  Find means for raising additional revenue and making the incidence of taxation fairer.  In particular, revise the provisions as to income tax and death duties, so as to increase revenue without adding to the hardships and burdens due to the present conditions.  Some definite steps with that object are quite practicable.

14.  Examine what industries, if any, are to be specially fostered as “key industries,” and whether this can be done without injury to other industries or adding to the heavy cost borne by the consumer.

15.  Arrange plans for enabling labour to co-operate fully in settling the conditions under which industry is to be carried on, and make provision for preventing disputes, increasing production, allocating profits fairly, and for reducing hours of work without diminishing output.

16.  Provide more and better housing, not only to secure the bare accommodation necessary for health and decency, but also to make attractive homes.

17.  Increase the productivity of the land and promote agriculture, not only for financial reasons, but to maintain and induce the growth of a larger rural population.  Stimulate education and research bearing on agriculture.

Project Gutenberg
Rebuilding Britain from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.