The Journal of Sir Walter Scott eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 1,191 pages of information about The Journal of Sir Walter Scott.

The Journal of Sir Walter Scott eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 1,191 pages of information about The Journal of Sir Walter Scott.

January 5.—­Went by invitation to wait upon a priest, who almost rivals my fighting bishop of Malta.  He is the old Bishop of Tarentum,[507] and, notwithstanding his age, eighty and upwards, is still a most interesting man.  A face formed to express an interest in whatever passes; caressing manners, and a total absence of that rigid stiffness which hardens the heart of the old and converts them into a sort of petrifaction.  Apparently his foible was a fondness for cats; one of them, a superb brindled Persian cat, is a great beauty, and seems a particular favourite.  I think we would have got on well together if he could have spoken English, or I French or Latin; but helas! I once saw at Lord Yarmouth’s house a Persian cat, but not quite so fine as that of the Bishop.  He gave me a Latin devotional poem and an engraving of himself, and I came home about two o’clock.

January 6 to 12.—­We reach the 12th January, amusing ourselves as we can, generally seeing company and taking airings in the forenoon in this fine country.  Sir William Gell, a very pleasant man, one of my chief cicerones.  Lord Hertford comes to Naples.  I am glad to keep up an old acquaintance made in the days of George IV.

He has got a breed from Maida, of which I gave him a puppy.  There was a great crowd at the Palazzo, which all persons attended, being the King’s birthday.  The apartments are magnificent, and the various kinds of persons who came to pay court were splendid.  I went with the boys as Brigadier-General of the Archers’ Guard, wore a very decent green uniform, laced at the cuffs, and pantaloons, and looked as well as sixty could make it out when sworded and feathered comme il faut.  I passed well enough.  Very much afraid of a fall on the slippery floor, but escaped that disgrace.  The ceremony was very long.  I was introduced to many distinguished persons, and, but for the want of language, got on well enough.  The King spoke to me about five minutes, of which I hardly understood five words.  I answered him in a speech of the same length, and I’ll be bound equally unintelligible.  We made the general key-tone of the harangue la belle langue et le beau ciel of sa majeste.  Very fine dresses, very many diamonds....

A pretty Spanish ambassadress, Countess da Costa, and her husband.  Saw the Countess de Lebzeltern, who has made our acquaintance, and seems to be very clever.  I will endeavour to see her again.  Introduced to another Russian Countess of the diplomacy.  Got from Court about two o’clock.  I should have mentioned that I had a letter from Skene[508] and one from Cadell, dated as far back as 2d December, a monstrous time ago, [which] yet puts a period to my anxiety.  I have written to Cadell for particulars and supplies, and, besides, have written a great many pages of the Siege of Malta, which I think will succeed.

[January 16-23].—­I think L200 a month, or thereby, will do very well, and it is no great advance.

Project Gutenberg
The Journal of Sir Walter Scott from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.