Varney the Vampire eBook

Thomas Peckett Prest
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 1,239 pages of information about Varney the Vampire.

Varney the Vampire eBook

Thomas Peckett Prest
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 1,239 pages of information about Varney the Vampire.

“I see all that, sir.”

“What I propose is, that you should accompany the parties to the field, but in your own proper character of surgeon, and permit me to take that of second to Mr. Bannerworth.”

“This cannot be done, unless by Mr. Henry Bannerworth’s consent,” said Mr. Chillingworth.

“Then I will accompany you to Bannerworth Hall, and see Mr. Henry, whom I will request to permit me to do what I have mentioned to you.”

Mr. Chillingworth could not but admit the reasonableness of this proposal, and it was agreed they should return to Bannerworth Hall in company.

Here they arrived in a very short time after, and entered together.

“And now,” said Mr. Chillingworth, “I will go and bring our two principals, who will be as much astonished to find themselves engaged in the same quarrel, as I was to find myself sent on a similar errand to Sir Francis with our friend Mr. John Pringle.”

“Oh, not John—­Jack Pringle, you mean,” said that individual.

Chillingworth now went in search of Henry, and sent him to the apartment where Mr. Marchdale was with Jack Pringle, and then he found the admiral waiting the return of Jack with impatience.

“Admiral!” he said, “I perceive you are unwell this morning.”

“Unwell be d——­d,” said the admiral, starting up with surprise.  “Who ever heard that old admiral Bell looked ill just afore he was going into action?  I say it’s a scandalous lie.”

“Admiral, admiral, I didn’t say you were ill; only you looked ill—­a—­a little nervous, or so.  Rather pale, eh?  Is it not so?”

“Confound you, do you think I want to be physicked?  I tell you, I have not a little but a great inclination to give you a good keelhauling.  I don’t want a doctor just yet.”

“But it may not be so long, you know, admiral; but there is Jack Pringle a-waiting you below.  Will you go to him?  There is a particular reason; he has something to communicate from Sir Francis Varney, I believe.”

The admiral gave a look of some amazement at Mr. Chillingworth, and then he said, muttering to himself,—­

“If Jack Pringle should have betrayed me—­but, no; he could not do that, he is too true.  I’m sure of Jack; and how did that son of a gallipot hint about the odd fish I sent Jack to?”

Filled with a dubious kind of belief which he had about something he had heard of Jack Pringle, he entered the room, where he met Marchdale, Jack Pringle, and Henry Bannerworth.  Immediately afterwards, Mr. Chillingworth entered the apartment.

“I have,” said he, “been to Sir Francis Varney, and there had an interview with him, and with Mr. Pringle; when I found we were both intent upon the same object, namely, an encounter with the knight by our principals.”

“Eh?” said the admiral.

“What!” exclaimed Henry; “had he challenged you, admiral?”

“Challenged me!” exclaimed Admiral Bell, with a round oath.  “I—­however—­since it comes to this, I must admit I challenged him.”

Project Gutenberg
Varney the Vampire from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.