Andy Grant's Pluck eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 206 pages of information about Andy Grant's Pluck.

Andy Grant's Pluck eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 206 pages of information about Andy Grant's Pluck.

“What is the matter, Conrad?” asked his father.  “You look as if you had lost your best friend.”

“I hate Andy Grant,” exploded Conrad, his eyes flashing with anger.

“Why, what has Andy done now?  You haven’t had a fight, have you?”

“No; I wouldn’t demean myself by fighting with him.”

“What is it, then?”

“He is always doing something to annoy me.”

“I am still in the dark.”

“He has got a new boat, far handsomer than mine.  I shouldn’t wonder if it cost twice as much.”

Squire Conrad was surprised.

“Where did he get it?” he inquired.

“It was a present from Mr. Gale, the young man at the hotel.”

“He must like young Grant very much?”

“It is ridiculous that a poor boy should own such a boat.”

“I don’t see how we can help it,” said the squire, philosophically.

He did not take the superiority of Andy’s boat so much to heart as his son.

“I’ll tell you how you can make it right, father.”


“By buying me a boat as good or better than the new one.”

“Why should I buy you another boat?  The one you have is only six months old, and it cost me a pretty penny, I assure you.”

“That may be, but I shall not feel any more satisfaction in it, now that Andy has a better one.”

“All this is foolish, my son.”

“Then you won’t buy me a new boat?”

“Most certainly I won’t,” said the squire, firmly.

Conrad’s countenance fell, but another idea came to him.

“Suppose Andy is willing to exchange with me for something to boot?”

“You say the boat is a fine one?”


“You may offer him ten dollars.”

“Won’t you say fifteen, father?  I assure you it is worth much more than that difference.”

“You can offer him ten dollars, and see what he has to say to it.”

Conrad managed to see Andy the next day, and made him the offer.

“Do you think I would part with Mr. Gale’s gift?” said Andy, indignantly.

“He wouldn’t care; and ten dollars is a good deal of money,” said Conrad, insinuatingly.

“If you offered me fifty dollars I would say the same.  I am not particularly in want of money.”

“I suppose you say that because you are earning three dollars a week.”

“Who told you how much Mr. Gale paid me?” asked Andy, smiling.

“Then he does get three dollars a week,” reflected Conrad.

He redoubled his entreaties, but Andy refused firmly.

Half an hour later Conrad met on the street a shabby figure with whom we are already acquainted.  It was the tramp who figured in an encounter with Andy when on his way to Benton.

“Young gentleman,” said the tramp, with a whine, “you look rich and generous.  Can’t you spare a poor man a trifle?”

Project Gutenberg
Andy Grant's Pluck from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.