Winston of the Prairie eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 373 pages of information about Winston of the Prairie.

Winston of the Prairie eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 373 pages of information about Winston of the Prairie.

Winston met his gaze without embarrassment.  “I am sorry you have been unfortunate, sir.”

Just then Dane joined them.  “I sat up late last night in the hope of seeing you,” he said.  “Now, I don’t know what to make of the market, but there were one or two fellows who would have bought my estimated crop from me at a figure which would have about covered working expenses.  Some of the others who did not know you were coming in, put their affairs in my hands too.”

“Sell nothing,” said Winston quietly.

It was an hour later when a messenger from Graham found them in the smoking-room, and Colonel Barrington smiled dryly as he tore up the envelope handed him.

“‘Market opened with sellers prevailing.  Chicago flat!’” he read.

Dane glanced at Winston somewhat ruefully, but the latter’s eyes were fixed on Colonel Barrington.

“If I had anything to cover I should still wait,” he said.

“That,” said Dane, “is not exactly good news to me.”

“Our turn will come,” said Winston gravely.

That day, and during several which followed it, wheat moved down, and Dane said nothing to Winston, about what he felt, though his face grew grimmer as the time went on.  Barrington was quietly impassive when they met him, while Alfreton, who saw a way out of his difficulties, was hard to restrain.  Winston long afterwards remembered that horrible suspense, but he showed no sign of what he was enduring then, and was only a trifle quieter than usual when he and Alfreton entered Graham’s office one morning.  It was busier than ever, while the men who hastened in and out seemed to reveal by attitude and voice that they felt something was going to happen.

“In sellers’ favor!” said the broker.  “Everybody with a few dollars is hammering prices one way or the other.  Nothing but wheat to be heard of in this city.  Well, we’ll simmer down when the turn comes, and though I’m piling up dollars, I’ll be thankful.  Hallo, Thomson, anything going on now?”

“Chicago buying,” said the clerk.  “Now it’s Liverpool!  Sellers holding off.  Wanting a two-eighths more the cental.”

The telephone bell tinkled again, and there was a trace of excitement in the face of the man who answered it.  “Walthew has got news ahead of us,” he said.  “Chicago bears caved in.  Buying orders from Liverpool broke them.  Got it there strong.”

Winston tapped Alfreton’s shoulder.  “Now is the time.  Tell him to buy,” he said.  “We’ll wait outside until you’ve put this deal through, Graham.”

It was twenty minutes before Graham came out to them.  “I’ll let you have your contracts, Mr. Alfreton, and my man on the market just fixed them in time,” he said.  “They’re up a penny on the cental in Liverpool now, and nobody will sell, while here in Winnipeg they’re falling over each other to buy.  Never had such a circus since the trade began.”

Project Gutenberg
Winston of the Prairie from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.