Caxton's Book of Curtesye eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 77 pages of information about Caxton's Book of Curtesye.

Caxton's Book of Curtesye eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 77 pages of information about Caxton's Book of Curtesye.

Explicit the book of curtesye.


H. stands for Hill’s MS. at the bottom of the pages, O. for the Oriel
MS. on the even pages.  Cot. is for Cotgrave’s Dictionary.

Absolom with dissheveled hair, l. 460.

Amyse, l. 376, amice.  Fr. amict, an Amict or Amice, part of a massing priest’s habit.  Cot.  From L. amicire, to throw round; am and jacere.  Mahn.

Annoy no man, l. 170.

Apayer, l. 399 H., appeyre, O., worsen, impair.

Apish, don’t let your dress be, l. 486.

Appose, l. 519, question. See Oppose.

Avale, l. 457, lower, take off.

Ave Maria, say, l. 27, 77.

Avoyde, l. 271, emptying.

Austin, St, tells men how to behave at table, l. 158.

Author is old, l. 414-18.

Authors, the right ones to read, l. 323, 335, 351, 365, 393.

Bearing, men praised or blamed for their, l. 153.

Belch not, l. 202.

Beware of ruskyn, l. 451.

Birds and beasts, don’t throw stones at, l. 64.

Blow not in your drink, l. 190.

Brecheles, l. 300, without breeches, of flogging.

Breth, l. 203, wind.

Capron, H., chappron, O., l. 457.  O. Fr. Chaperon, “habillement de tete.”  Roquefort.  Provencal, capayron, from Lat. caput.  Skeat. Chaperon ... any hood, bonnet ... Vn Chaperon fait a i’en veux, A notable whipster or twigger; a good one I warrant her.  Cotgrave.  ’Capron hardy’ must then be ‘a bold or saucy young scamp.’

Cantelmele, l. 409, piecemeal:  cantel, a corner, bit.

CHAUCER, read his works full of pleasance, l. 335-350.

Chere, l. 131, face, expression on it.

Childly, adj. l. 523, O., childy, H., fitted for children.

Children are like wax, l. 6.

Church, how to behave at, l. 71-98.

Clappe, l. 80, noise.

Claw not your visage, l. 194.

Comb your head, l. 36.

Communicative, be, l. 316.

Compace, l. 469.  Fr. compas, a compasse, a circle, a round.

Constaunce, l. 102.  Fr. constance, stabilitie, firmenesse.  Cot.

Couenable, l. 487.  Fr. convenable, apt, fit, meet for, beseeming, seemlie, &c.  Cot.

Crede, say it, l. 77.

Cross yourself on rising, l. 25.

Cumpenable, l. 151.  Fr. compagnable, companable, friendlie, sociable.

Cunning, (knowing) men, take heed to them, l. 478, l. 498-504.

Cup, soil not yours, l. 186.

Dancing, right for a child, l. 305.

Deprave, l. 157, backbite, run down.  Fr. despraver, spoyle, marre, make crooked, wrest, wry to bad purposes.  Cot.

Detraction, the vice of, l. 163.

Disauayle, l. 290, harm, damage.

Project Gutenberg
Caxton's Book of Curtesye from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.