The Bay State Monthly — Volume 2, No. 6, March, 1885 eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 252 pages of information about The Bay State Monthly — Volume 2, No. 6, March, 1885.

The Bay State Monthly — Volume 2, No. 6, March, 1885 eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 252 pages of information about The Bay State Monthly — Volume 2, No. 6, March, 1885.

ON THE WAY TO WONDERLAND.  Illustrated.  Boston:  D. Lothrop & Co.  Price, $1.25.  The bright colors of this unique book, and the sound of its rhymes chanted by mamma, will captivate the eye and ear of the babies, whose own book it is.  It contains the stories in rhyme of Wee Willie Winkie, Little Bo-Peep, Goody Two Shoes, The Beggar King, Jack and Jill, and Banbury Cross, all gorgeously illustrated.

THE STORY OF THE MANUSCRIPTS.  In this interesting and scholarly volume Rev. George E. Merrill, D.D., gives the whole story of the preparation and preservation of the various Scriptural books, a record which will be read with interest not only by Biblical scholars, but by many others to whom the main facts are unknown.  The manuscripts were originally written on papyrus, numerous copies being made in the early centuries, but in the various persecutions of the Christians a great number of the manuscripts were wantonly destroyed.  In the reign of Diocletian, in the fourth century, there were nine years of persecution, and few of the original copies were left intact.  Great value attaches to even such manuscript transcripts as were made after the originals, and they are carefully preserved in various libraries all over Europe.  Some of these are upon vellum, showing their great age.  The closing chapter of the book is devoted to a summing up of the opinions of the great critics on the history and credibility of the New Testament manuscripts.

As a record of facts bearing upon the history, authenticity and interpretation of the New Testament Scriptures, this work is invaluable, and no theological library is complete without it.  Information upon the subjects treated equally comprehensive can be found in no other form so easily accessible and at so little cost. 12mo. $1.00.

WIDE AWAKE PLEASURE BOOK, Q. Illustrated.  Boston:  D. Lothrop & Co.  Price $1.50.  Another volume in the charming set of books for girls and boys, and we might almost say for men and women, for grown people take as much delight in their pages as the younger ones.  It is no disparagement to the former issues to say that the present one surpasses them, for progress is the rule of its publishers, and the endeavor to do things better grows more and more decided every year.  The Pleasure Book for 1884 contains stories by a score of the most popular writers of the day, sketches of life and character, bits of biography and history, narratives of travel, poems, charades, music, puzzles, etc.  Its pages are enriched with hundreds of illustrations, drawn and engraved expressly for its pages, making text and engravings together, one of the choicest juvenile annuals issued by any publishing firm in the country.

Project Gutenberg
The Bay State Monthly — Volume 2, No. 6, March, 1885 from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.