Secret Enemies of True Republicanism eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 271 pages of information about Secret Enemies of True Republicanism.

Secret Enemies of True Republicanism eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 271 pages of information about Secret Enemies of True Republicanism.
of crimes of governments and nations is again and again filled, new eruptions of destructive revolutions and wars take place on such days and under such circumstances, that by our explanations of correspondences they become peculiar warnings; as we have already given specimens of this kind also in this book; and many more will be given on suitable places of the following pages.  Readers should not forget that we are preparing them for the Epistle to the Bishops of Illyria.

Before we commence to translate that epistle, we must give a brief epitome of the contents of the treatise, which was to be printed in lieu of this treatise, and to which reference has been made in the preceding treatise, and we must write on this 4th of July, 1859 in the midst of great noise and continuous cracking and thunder of guns and so much smell of powder, that it becomes very tedious.  This morning it appeared in newspapers, that Samuel Jackson’s pyrotechnical establishment on 10th and Reed Streets in Philadelphia was yesterday afternoon destroyed by the explosion of fireworks, which were prepared for the exhibition on this day; but they yesterday burned Mr. Beck to death.  We mention this case, because we saw it besides many other cases amongst the news of this day, and this Jackson is one of the many strong mediums of destroying spirits whom we endeavored many years ago to deliver from those spirits; but they continue to prepare tremendous fireworks.  In the octava of the outbreak of the infernal furies in the French Revolution of February, 1848, spirits commenced to awaken materialists by raps through the Fox Girls in the vicinity of Rochester of this State of New-York.  They became at length generally known as Rochester Rapping Spirits; because in the City of Rochester people first commenced to assemble in large numbers and hear those rappings, or also carefully to investigate, whether those raps came, as they purported, from spirits or from some other cause.  As soon as I read in newspapers the reports of those manifestations, I understood the correspondences and also, why our leaders let the infernal powers exhibit their craft in this manner.  Deluding and destroying spirits from the same spheres from which they have inspired their fighting mediums in Europe, commenced to give testimony in this country that there is truly such a relation between the living in the mortal bodies and the departed as has been disclosed in our publications, and at the same time also to show how they were duping and deluding such as would not hear our explanations regarding the true condition of spirits, but were quite pleasing with the answers which they received through the daughters of Mr. Fox and other mediums who commenced then to be developed in large numbers, that is, deluding and destroying spirits or infernal demons shewed by manifold perceivable possessions, that they were closely attached to congenial men and women.  I made use of that opportunity and assured citizens of the United States,

Project Gutenberg
Secret Enemies of True Republicanism from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.