Ten Great Religions eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 690 pages of information about Ten Great Religions.

Ten Great Religions eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 690 pages of information about Ten Great Religions.
  " civil-service examinations, 39.
  " public boards and their duties, 42.
  " viceroys, or governors of provinces, 42.
  " agriculture carried to perfection, 43.
  " “Kings,” or sacred books, 47.
  " philosophy in its later developments, 52.
  " doctrine of the grand extreme, 52.
  " doctrine of Yang and Yin, or the positive and negative essences,
  " doctrine of holy men, 53.
  " people, their amiable character, 59.
  " " described by Lieutenant Forbes, 59.
  " " described by Du Halde, 60.
  " " described by Meadows, 60.
  " " treatment of woman, 61. 
Christian apologists, their errors, 4.
  " " have regarded most religions as human inventions, 4.
  " " have considered them as debasing superstitions, 4. 
Christianity adapted to the Northern races, 395.
  " a pleroma, or fulness of life, 492.
  " an inclusive system, not exclusive, 493.
  " summary of its relation to other religions, 494.
  " a religion of progress, 507.
  " a religion of universal unity, 508.
  " has the power of continued progress, 29.
  " in its various developments,29.
  " meets the positive and negative side: 
               of Brahmanism, 24.
               of Buddhism, 25.
               of Confucius, 26.
               of Zoroaster, 26.
               of Egypt, 27.
               of Greece, 28. 
Cicero, his work “De Natura Deorum,” 341.
  " on the speech of Caesar, 342. 
Circumcision, its origin and extent, 251. 
Cleanthes, the Stoic, his hymn, 285. 
Comparative Philology, its discoveries, 86.
  " Theology either analytical or synthetical, 2.
  " " its relation to Comparative Geography, 2.
  " " its relation to human progress, 2.
  " " must do justice to all religions, 3.
  " " is still in its infancy, 3.
  " " is a science, 3.
  " " will furnish new evidence to the truth of
                       Christianity, 13.
  " " will show Christianity to be a catholic religion,
                       adapted to all races, 15.
  " " will show Christianity to be all-sided, 21.
  " " will show Christianity capable of progress, 29.
  " " in its probable results, 30. 
Confucius, his birth and ancestors, 44, 45.
  " his influence, 44, 45.
  " events of his life, 45, 46.
  " edits the sacred books, or Kings, 47.
  " his own writings, 47.
  " his Table-Talk, extracts from, 48, 49.
  " had a large organ of veneration, 50.
  " had great energy and persistency,
Project Gutenberg
Ten Great Religions from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.