The Mystery of Mary eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 137 pages of information about The Mystery of Mary.

The Mystery of Mary eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 137 pages of information about The Mystery of Mary.
mind continued to dwell upon the headlines, to the annoying accompaniment of screech-owl and frog and cricket.  He resented the adjective “pretty.”  Why should any reporter dare to apply that word to a sweet and lovely woman?  It seemed so superficial, so belittling, and—­but then, of course, this headline did not apply to his new friend.  It was some other poor creature, some one to whom perhaps the word “pretty” really applied; some one who was not really beautiful, only pretty.

At the first stop a man in front got out, leaving a newspaper in the seat.  With eager hands, Dunham leaned forward and grasped it, searching its columns in vain for the tantalizing headlines.  But there were others equally arrestive.  This paper announced the mysterious disappearance of a young actress who was suspected of poisoning her husband.  When seen last, she was boarding a train en route to Washington.  She had not arrived there, however, so far as could be discovered.  It was supposed that she was lingering in the vicinity of Philadelphia or Baltimore.  There were added a few incriminating details concerning her relationship with her dead husband, and a brief sketch of her sensational life.  The paragraph closed with the statement that she was an accomplished musician.

The young man frowned and, opening his window, flung the scandalous sheet to the breeze.  He determined to forget what he had read, yet the lines kept coming before his eyes.

When he reached the city he went to the news-stand in the station, where was an agent who knew him, and procured a copy of every paper on sale.  Then, instead of hurrying home, he found a seat in a secluded corner and proceeded to examine his purchases.

In large letters on the front page of a New York paper blazed: 

    House robbed of jewels worth ten thousand dollars by beautiful
    young adventuress masquerading as A parlor maid

He ran his eye down the column and gathered that she was still at large, though the entire police force of New York was on her track.  He shivered at the thought, and began to feel sympathy for all wrong-doers and truants from the law.  It was horrible to have detectives out everywhere watching for beautiful young women, just when this one in whom his interest centred was trying to escape from something.

He turned to another paper, only to be met by the words: 

    Escape of fair lunatic

and underneath: 

Prison walls could not confine Miss Nancy Lee, who last week threw a lighted lamp at her mother, setting fire to the house, and then attempted suicide.  The young woman seems to have recovered her senses, and professes to know nothing of what happened, but the physicians say she is liable to another attack of insanity, and deem it safe to keep her confined.  She escaped during the night, leaving no clew to her whereabouts.  How she managed to get open the window through which she left the asylum is still a mystery.

In disgust he flung the paper from him and took up another.

Project Gutenberg
The Mystery of Mary from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.